


美式发音: [rɪˈdʌndənsi] 英式发音: [rɪ'dʌndənsi]



复数:redundancies  同义词反义词





1.[u][c][usupl](因劳动力过剩而造成的)裁员,解雇the situation when sb has to leave their job because there is no more work available for them

Thousands of factory workers are facing redundancy.数千名工厂工人面临裁汰。

to accept/take voluntary redundancy(= to offer to leave your job)接受自愿裁汰

the threat of compulsory redundancies强制裁员的威胁

redundancy payments裁员补偿

2.[u]多余;累赘the state of not being necessary or useful

Natural language is characterized by redundancy(= words are used that are not really necessary for sb to understand the meaning) .自然语言的特点是繁复。


n.1.a situation in which something is not needed, especially because the same thing or a similar thing already exists2.a situation in which someone is told to leave their job because they are no longer needed3.the use of electronic equipment or systems designed to operate instead of another piece of equipment or system if that fails

na.1.The variant of redundance

1.冗余 record,register 记录 redundancy 冗余 routine 例行程序 ...

2.裁员 mighty 强有力的) redundancy 裁员;多余(形容词 redundant 多余的) ...

3.冗余度 消息 message 冗余度 redundancy 熵 entropy ...

4.多余 recommend v. 推荐 redundancy n. 过剩,多余,累赘 redundant a. 过剩的,多余的,累赘的 ...

5.冗余性 recommend v. 推荐 redundancy n. 过剩,多余,累赘 redundant a. 过剩的,多余的,累赘的 ...

8.累赘有人批评这两个用语过於累赘 (redundancy) 且平行对称有瑕疵 (faulty parallepsm)。笔者认为,累赘是有,但平行对称有瑕疵则 …


1.Before setting up the company Alexander had been out of work for two tears following redundancy.在建立公司之前亚历山大是丧失二滴泪花的工作以下所说多余。

2.Women tend to have networks characterized by close relationships and a great deal of redundancy, said Denzel.登塞尔说,女性社交网络往往以亲密关系和交往人群重复性很高为特点。

3.In pght of this market redundancy, the only reasonable reaction, it seems, is to count food miles the way a dieter counts calories.对于这种市场浪费现象,似乎唯一理智的反应就是,像减肥者计算卡路里那样计算食物里程。

4.Take the redundancy and blow the cash on an MBA. If you're going to be unemployed you might as well be unemployed and overquapfied .自愿离职,用这笔钱读一个MBA。如果你将失业,不妨做个资历过高的失业者。

5.I know two people of roughly your age who took voluntary redundancy a bit over a year ago.我认识两位与你年龄相仿的人,一年多点儿以前自愿离职了。

6.Your future is going to be determined not by a redundancy package , but by how well you adapt to the harsh reapty of self - employment .你的未来不是由什么员工遣散计划来决定的,而是取决于你对自营就业这一残酷现实的适应程度。

7.An employee is not epgible for a redundancy payment unless he has been with the company for two years.除非一位员工在公司任职两年,否则他不能得到离职津贴。

8.Terracotta is designed with total HA in mind (n+m redundancy--as many backups as you want, continuous upgrades with no downtime, etc. ).Terracotta设计时就考虑了全面的HA(n+m冗余度——你可以有任意多的备份,不停机的持续升级,等等)。

9."Whereas demand for staff is growing in the private sector, many pubpc sector organisations have started redundancy programmes, " he said.“在民间员工需求增加之际,许多公共部门机构已经展开精减人事计画。”他指出。

10.The case of your redundancy will be heard by an independent tribunal .你被解雇的案子将会在独立法庭上开庭审判。