




1.张小姐 Mrs John Smith 约翰。史密斯夫人 Miss Zhang 张小姐 the Misses Maton and Raman 马顿小姐和拉曼小姐 ...

2.张老师 ... My Old Classmate 我的老同学 Miss Zhang 张老师 I Love My Family 我 …

3.张女士 汪小姐( Miss Wang) 张弘小姐( Miss Zhang) 周明( Ming-Zhou) ...

5.章小姐 参观特变电工北京总部 Visiting Beijing headquarter of TBEA 张静女士 Miss Zhang 观看宣传片 Watching the company video ...

7.锦程期刊 ... 电脑配件供应 misopihexcite.co.jp 锦程期刊 Miss Zhang 清洁燃料项目合作 Tiger ...

8.张敏骆巍,后来是李树华 数学是米中奇(这个音) 英语是张敏MISS Zhang) 电脑是骆巍 体育是葛家寿 其他的记不...


1.Miss Zhang: How much do you want for it?张小姐:这个花瓶你要多少钱?

2.It's a great pleasure to recommend Miss Zhang Hua, one of my most close colleagues, for admission to your company as a manager.很高兴推荐我的一位亲密同事张华小姐进入贵公司担任经理之职。

3.Not in the least. The Plane won't be leaving until five. Thank you, Miss Zhang. You've done me a great favor.一点也不晚,飞机五点才起飞呢,谢谢你张小姐,你帮了我的大忙了。

4.yes, thank you , Miss Zhang. I had a good sleep and a cold shower, and I'm now feepng positively refreshed.是的,谢谢你,张小姐。我好好睡了一觉,吸了个冷水澡,现在精神百倍。

5.By the way, Miss Zhang would pke to leave her personal file in the foreign servicing company and she needs your help. Thanks.还是一件事是,张小姐想把他的个人档案存放到外企服务公司,需要你的帮忙。

6.Miss Zhang is going to help the tourists who does not speak Chinese.张小姐正打算帮助那些不会说中文的游客。

7.Exam eve, miss Zhang reviews a problem to a few can find no way out, mr Li coachs patiently to her, make her smile through tears.考试前夕,张小姐对着几道复习题一筹莫展,李先生对她耐心辅导,使她破涕为笑。

8.MISS ZHANG: Yes. Could you ask him to call me, please?张小姐:是的。请转告他给我打电话,好吗?。

9.My teacher and friend. Miss zhang. is always helping me a lot when I'm in trouble.我的老师和朋友。张小姐。在我遇到困难时总是帮我很多。

10.Miss Zhang Hongmei, a graduating student in our department, has asked me to write a reference letter for him, and I'm happy to do so.张红梅是我系即将毕业的学生,她请我为她写封推荐信,我很乐意向你们推荐。