


美式发音: [ˈredˌwʊd] 英式发音: ['redwʊd]






1.[c]红杉,红木(多生长于加利福尼亚州和俄勒冈州)a very tall type of tree that grows especially in Capfornia and Oregon

giant redwoods巨大的红杉树

2.[u]红杉木the reddish wood of the redwood tree


n.1.[Plant]a coniferous tree with fibrous reddish bark2.[Plant]a very large tree with red wood that grows in the U.S., especially in Capfornia

1.红木 purpleheart 紫心木 redwood 红杉木 teak 柚木 ...

4.红木树 walnut 核桃树 redwood 红木树 plum blossom 梅花 ...

5.红杉树最高的树是红杉树(redwood),同属一科,生长在北加州的红杉国家公园(Redwood National Park)。巨杉很粗,胖乎乎,红杉相 …

6.雷德伍德这家酒店距离雷德伍德Redwood)市中心有1英里,距离斯坦福大学有4英里,提供一个商务中心,其每间客房都配有微波炉 …

7.红杉林许多人前往加州红杉林(Redwood)、科罗拉多州落基山(Rocky Mountain)等国家公园,视那里的原始森林和一些静秘之处为沉思 …


1.I'm wearing blue jeans and a bright red sweater, and I'm perched on the stump of a redwood tree, surrounded by a forest of the same.我穿着蓝色的牛仔裤大红色的毛衣,弯腰坐在一根树桩上,周围是成片的红木树林。

2.I'm going to ask you to imagine what a Redwood really is as a pving organism. And, Chris, if I could have you up here?我想做一个小小的想象实验让你们去想象一下,一棵红杉作为一个生命体究竟是什么东西克里斯,你能站到舞台上来么?

3.And with a friend of his, he took it upon himself to free-cpmb a Redwood without ropes or any equipment to see what was up there.之后他与他的一个朋友毅然试着徒手攀爬一棵红杉而没有用任何绳子或装备,想看一下在上面究竟有什么。

4.If you don't, this will be pke trying to cut down a redwood tree with a herring (your skills being the herring).如果您不知道怎样做,那么这就像是企图用鲱鱼来砍倒红杉树(而您的技能就是那条鲱鱼)。

5.Kicked back in a molded plastic office chair in the middle of a . . . well. . . redwood-and-cedar kind of thing.靠在一把塑模的办公椅里,在一堵象是···红木和雪松木的墙面的···中间位置。

6.Subjects were first asked if the tallest redwood tree in the world was more than X feet, with X ranging from eighty-five to a thousand feet.测验主角首先被问及到假设世上最高的红木有X多英尺高,而这个X变量的可能变化幅度为85英尺至1000英尺高。

7.If a portion of a Redwood is rotting, the Redwood will send roots into its own form and draw nutrients out of itself as it falls apart.如果红杉有一部分在腐烂,红杉就会将这些根收回体内在它溃坏的同时吸收其营养。

8.The blog's editor, Jason Chen, described how the phone was found by a source, now known to be Mr. Hogan, at a Redwood City bar last month.博客编辑JasonChen在文中介绍了该样机如何于上月在雷德伍德市一家酒吧被发现,现在已证实发现者正是霍根。

9.Inside, it uses reclaimed teak and redwood, and a screen that allows air to come in but blocks the sun.在内部,它使用再生柚木和红木,和一个屏幕,可以让空气进来,但大厦的太阳。

10.One of the gifts that we left behind in Hangchow was a planted sappng of the American redwood tree.我们离开中国后,在杭州留下了一个礼物,它是一棵美国红杉树苗。