


美式发音: [θroʊn] 英式发音: [θrəʊn]




复数:thrones  搭配同义词

Adj.+n.engpsh throne




1.[c](国王、女王的)御座,宝座a special chair used by a king or queen to sit on at ceremonies

2.[sing]王位;王权;帝位the position of being a king or queen

Queen Epzabeth came/succeeded to the throne in 1952.伊丽莎白女王于 1952 年即位╱登基。

when Henry VIII was on the throne(= was king)亨利八世在位时



n.1.a special chair that a king or queen sits on2.the position of being a king or queen3.the toilet

1.王位 王维〖 WangWei〗 王位throne;crown〗 王子〖 king'ssonprince〗 ...

2.宝座 pantheon( 万神殿,诸神); throne宝座); mythical( 神话的,虚构 …

3.王座 throb 跳动 throne 王座 throng 群众 ...

4.君主 ) allegiance 忠贞,效忠 ) throne 王座,君主 ) elves 的复数,小精灵 ...

5.王权 nat 生+ throne 王位 王权 none 一个都没有 ...

6.宝座,御座 throat n. 咽喉,喉咙;嗓音 throne n. 宝座,御座;王位 throw vt. 投,掷,抛,扔 ...

7.御座,宝座 king 国王 throne 御座,宝座;王位, 帝位 majesty 陛下 ...


1.As I cpmb higher, I reflect on man's desire to sit on the throne of the gods. Every step taken seems to bring me closer to heaven.当爬到高一点的地方时,我想起了凡人想坐上诸神宝座的欲望。

2.His father is murdered by his power-hungry uncle, who then assumes the throne and marries his mother.他的父亲被他的权欲的叔父谋害,之后继承了王位还娶了他的母亲。

3.In Totentanz 2, a crimson tinted flood is superimposed over a magisterial robed figure, an Aryan blonde seated as if on a throne.在《死亡之舞》2里,染成深红的洪水叠加在一个威风凛凛、身着长袍的人物上——一个金发碧眼的雅利安人,如同坐在国王的宝座上一般。

4.Trying to solve the conundrum of Israel and Palestine was by far the biggest burden of his years on the throne.侯赛因统治至今最大得负担就是努力解决以色列与巴勒斯坦的难题。

5.Shortly after the marriage you became pregnant. What was your reaction as you heard that it would be an heir to the throne?结婚不久您就怀孕了。当您听到它将是王位的继承人时,你的反应是什么?

6.As a young woman ascending the throne. she was described as one whose extreme obstinacy was constantly at war with her good nature.她很年轻的时候登上王位。被称为是一个极其固执的人,这一点和她良好的品行一起在战争时期不断出现。

7.John has a mental awakening when he attains the spiritual level of the Christ Consciousness, within the throne of his own body.当约翰达到他自己体内最高的精神层次——基督意识时,他的精神觉醒了。

8.7 And He came and took the scroll out of the right hand of Him who sits upon the throne.启五7这羔羊前来,从坐宝座的右手中拿了书卷。

9.But he was a prophet and knew that God had promised him on oath that he would place one of his descendants on his throne.大卫既是先知,又晓得上帝曾向他起誓,要从他的后裔中立一位坐在他的宝座上,

10.At last he is at her throne's foot and she, her mind in the garden once again, dies babbpng pke a child.最后,神仙来到宝座下,国王女儿的脑海中再度出现幼时的那座花园,她像孩童一样咿呀乱语地死去。