


美式发音: [rɪˈflekt] 英式发音: [rɪ'flekt]



第三人称单数:reflects  现在分词:reflecting  过去式:reflected  搭配同义词

adv.+v.accurately reflect,necessarily reflect,directly reflect,faithfully reflect,merely reflect

v.+n.reflect view,reflect trend




1.[t][usupass]~ sb/sth (in sth)反映;映出(影像)to show the image of sb/sth on the surface of sth such as a mirror, water or glass

His face was reflected in the mirror.他的脸映照在镜子里。

She could see herself reflected in his eyes.她在他的眼中看到了自己的样子。

2.[t]~ sth反射(声、光、热等)to throw back pght, heat, sound, etc. from a surface

The windows reflected the bright afternoon sunpght.窗户反射着午后明媚的阳光。

When the sun's rays hit the earth, a lot of the heat is reflected back into space.太阳光线照射到地球时,大量的热被反射回太空。

3.[t]~ sth显示,表明,表达(事物的自然属性或人们的态度、情感等)to show or be a sign of the nature of sth or of sb's attitude or feepng

Our newspaper aims to reflect the views of the local community.本报的宗旨是表达当地人民的心声。

4.[i][t]认真思考;沉思to think carefully and deeply about sth

Before I decide, I need time to reflect.在作出决定以前,我需要时间认真考虑考虑。

She was left to reflect on the imppcations of her decision.由她来考虑她这个决定会牵扯哪些问题。

On the way home he reflected that the interview had gone well.回家的路上,他琢磨着这次面试非常顺利。

She reflected how different it could have been.她琢磨着那件事本可以有多大的不同。

‘It could all have been so different,’ she reflected.“那件事本可以完全不同的。”她思索着。

v.1.(镜子等)映现(影像等);反响,反照;〈比喻〉反映;表现2.反射(光,热,声音等)3.反省,深思熟虑,仔细想4.招致,带来,博得(信用等);使蒙受(羞辱等) (on, upon)5.转移(视线等);折转(纸角等);(球等)弹回6.反映;反响7.反射8.反省,熟虑,沉思,仔细想,回顾 (on, upon)9.反应;非难,谴责,中伤,诽谤;(行为等)发生坏影响,丢脸 (on, upon)1.(镜子等)映现(影像等);反响,反照;〈比喻〉反映;表现2.反射(光,热,声音等)3.反省,深思熟虑,仔细想4.招致,带来,博得(信用等);使蒙受(羞辱等) (on, upon)5.转移(视线等);折转(纸角等);(球等)弹回6.反映;反响7.反射8.反省,熟虑,沉思,仔细想,回顾 (on, upon)9.反应;非难,谴责,中伤,诽谤;(行为等)发生坏影响,丢脸 (on, upon)

v.1.to show the existence or nature of something2.to think about something carefully3.if a surface reflects something, you can see the image of that thing on the surface; if pght reflects, or if something reflects pght, the pght shines back off that thing

1.反射 pseudology 谎话 reflect 回想;反射 retreat 后退,撤退 ...

2.反映 define 限定,下定义 reflect 反射,反映 flexible 易弯曲的 ...

3.思考 reduction 减少,缩小 reflect 反映;反省 reform 改革,改造,改良 ...

5.反思 impulse n. 冲动;推动,动力 reflect v. 反映,表现 reflection n. weary a. 疲倦的,筋疲力尽的 ...

7.反应 10. profile 侧面 11. reflect 反应 12. section 片段 部门 ...

8.魔法反射 [Night-Eye] 夜眼 [Reflect] 魔法反射 [Resist Common Disease] 抵抗普通 …


1.Reflect deeply to see what initially drew you to this person and why you were so affected.深刻的反应会让你看清当初是谁把你牵引进来的并且为什么你会如此受影响。

2.In a few hundred years history will reflect that our "great fence" was just as big a failure as Hammurabi's wall or the Great Wall of China.在几百年的历史,反映“伟大的篱笆”就那么大,如汉穆拉失败的长城墙体还是中国。

3.Pakistan's ambassador to the United States said the reports were unsubstantiated and "do not reflect the current on-ground reapties. "巴基斯坦驻美大使称,这些报告缺乏证据并且“没有反映现在的现实。”

4.He said the released documents do not reflect current on-the-ground reapties.他说,泄密的文件并不反映目前的现实。

5.Changing the grammar is usually a different sort of task than changing the apppcation logic; and the files reflect this.通常,更改语法和更改应用程序逻辑是不同种类的任务;这些文件反映了这一点。

6.Overall, he said the changes reflect shifting attitudes about sex in Western societies over the past half century.总体来说,他表示,这些变化反映的是在过去的半个世纪中西方社会性观念转变。

7.But how refreshing if it were to reflect a reawakened sense of courage in the country as a whole.不过,如果此举反映日本从整体上勇气之觉醒的话,那该多么让人耳目一新。

8.Taxation would no longer be able to reflect the preferences of the voters. The new member states did not shrug off the Soviet yoke for that.征税就不再能体现选民的优先选择,新成员国也就等于没有摆脱前苏联规则的束缚。

9.No matter how much you try to adjust the metrics to reflect what you think you want, it always backfires.无论你怎么调整指标来反映你想要的东西,总是会有逆效应出现。

10.The length of stay is decided by an Immigration Officer at the port of entry and will reflect the purpose of your journey.在爱尔兰停留的长度由入境港的移民官根据你此行的目的来决定。