



1.On 23th, the web of the NASA showed the photos of two American space shuttles standing in the launching site at the same time.美国宇航局网站23日刊登了美国两架航天飞机首次同时矗立在发射场的照片。

2.On the evening of 23th, suddenly I feel I shouldn't hope more! sadness.日晚上突然觉得,还是不要抱有太大希望吧!郁闷!

3.It was estabpshed in February of the 23th year of Daoguang (1843), and it collected Ci-poems for 5 times.词社成立于道光二十三年(1843)二月,共举行了五次雅集。

4.The 23th annual London Art Fair is being held at London Business Design Center from January 19 to 23.第23届国伦敦艺术交易会于1月19日-23日在伦敦商业设计中心举行。

5.At 23th Olympic Games in Los Angeles.在第23届洛杉矶奥运会上。

6.Ok, please just take the 23th bus.好的,只要乘坐23路车就可以到了。

7.59% of visits to Google+ are from Males, that is a 4% increase from previous week (4 weeks ending July 23th).上周Google+有59%的访问量是男性贡献的,比上上周增长了4%。

8.Analysis Of The Current Situation Of Chinese Men's Basketball Team From The 23th Asian Basketball Championship从第23届亚洲男篮锦标赛解析中国男篮现状

9.A Method for the Prediction of the Monthly Smoothed Sunspot Numbers of the 23th Cycle预报第23周平滑月平均太阳黑子数的一种方法

10.Topic on cardiovascular disease in The 23th international Conference on Pediatrics第23届国际儿科大会有关心血管疾病交流内容简介