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1.里根 Reg 雷哲, Regan 雷根, Reginald 雷吉诺德, ...

3.瑞根来超过20年。其中不乏浓墨重彩留下印记的人物,比如里根时代的里甘Regan)、克林顿时代的鲁宾,都可以成为一个特定 …

7.里根帝王的 Aries 亚力士拉丁公羊。 Regan 里根帝王的;国王。 Justin 贾斯丁拉丁诚笃的。 ...


1.Regan has discovered that the Presidency isn't as easy as he thought. In fact he's going to demand stunt pay.里根已经发现当总统不象他想得那么容易,事实上他准备要一些特技费。

2.White House Chief of Staff Donald Regan said the Japanese offered "few new or immediate measures. "白宫办公厅主任唐纳德里甘说,日本人几乎没有提出什么“新的或直接见效的措施”。

3.The key that unlocked it was the name Frank, handwritten under a gag photograph of a masked classmate in Regan's middle school yearbook.解开它的关键点是“Frank”这个名字。这个名字就写在Regan的中学年鉴中一个模糊的同学相片下。

4.She says Vice President Bush was the one who told her, "You've really got to do something about Donald Regan, " and she reluctantly agreed.她说,副总统布什告诉她,“你真的需要向唐纳德里根做一些事”,她勉强同意了。

5.Researchers are not telpng couples to go back to traditional role. For Sean and Regan, it seems to be working.研究者并不是要告诉夫妻回归传统角色。对于萧恩和里根而言,这样的生活似乎很好。

6.Regan Lachapelle, a spokeswoman for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, said it would be premature to comment on how the new Senate will act.参院多数党领袖HarryReid的发言人RaganLachapelle说,现在就评论新一届参院将如何动作还为时尚早。

7.Michael Deaver, one of the President Regan's closest advisors, has died of pancreatic cancer.美国前总统里根的一位贴身顾问,迈克尔Deaver死于胰腺癌。

8.Regan said that she needed neither the land of the kingdom nor the wealth her father would give her but true love.里根说她既不需要王国的领土也不需要父亲(给她的)财富,她只需要真正的爱。

9.While in prison, Regan worked with the FBI to decipher the complex code, which he had created but, ironically, had forgotten.在狱中,Reagn与FBI一起破译他创造的复杂的密码。讽刺的是他把自己创造的密码忘了。

10.Regan speculated that this particular number is troublesome because it is the "largest subnormal double-precision floating-point number. "Regan推测这个特殊数字的麻烦之处在于它是“最大的次法线双精度浮点数”。