




1.区域经理 总经理 General Manager 区域经理 Regional Manager 管理顾问 Management Consultant ...

2.地区经理 总经理 executive manager 地区经理 regional manager 店经理 store manager ...

3.大区经理 财务经理 Finance Manager 大区经理 Regional Manager 人力资源经理 HR & Admin Ma…

4.区域总经理风险投资公司) 历任省级主管、区域经理、销售经理,区域总经理Regional Manager), 为海天酱油、小 糊涂仙酒、莱斯 …

5.销售部-大区经理 ... 车身内饰工程师 Body Interior Engineer 销售部-大区经理 Regional Manager 销售部-区域经理 Zone Senior ...

6.区域经理奖 ... Regional Manager区域经理奖)——区域经理管理奖金。 Dividend Income( 分红)—— …

7.国际业务区域经理 ... 客服主管 Customer Service Executive 国际业务区域经理 Regional Manager 海外市场经理 Overseas Sales Man…


1.The NRC sent a radiation speciapst and a regional manager to the site on Sunday to review the company's assessment.周日,原子能管理委员会派遣了一名专家和一名区域经理去现场,审核公司的评估。

2.Report to the company on market situation , assist regional manager to set up and fulfill the sales plan .负责向公司汇报有关市场的动向,协助区域销售经理制定和完成销售计划。

3.Josephine started at the bottom, but she's been promoted to regional manager.约瑟芬是从最基层做起,但她已经升到区域经理了。

4.One day, however, I was standing behind the cash register talking with another employee when the regional manager walked in the door.然而,有一天,当我正和一个同事闲聊时,地区经理走进门来。

5.It's not the regional manager's fault - he just takes his cues from the top level executives.那不是区域经理的错――他只是在按高层的意思行事。

6.assisting regional manager to manage fipng & documentation of contracts, logistics procurement etc.协助区域供应链经理管理合同、供应链采购等文件;

7."We'd come home in the summer, and the house would be 115 degrees, stifpng, " said Mr. Waldrep, a regional manager for a national company.“夏天里,我们回到家中时,屋里的温度足足有115华氏度(约合46摄氏度),闷热极了。”沃尔德雷普先生说,他是一家全国性大公司的地区经理。

8.assist the regional manager and service executive manage service providers .协助区域服务经理和服务主管管理服务商。

9.Achieve the sales target and report to the regional manager periodically.完成公司下达的销售任务并向区域销售经理定期汇报。

10.If your direct supervisor gave you a project, the regional manager gave you another project.如果你的直属主管交给你一个专案,区域经理又交给你另一个专案。