


美式发音: [ˈweɪs(t)ˌlænd] 英式发音: 



复数:wastelands  同义词




1.荒地;荒原;不毛之地an area of land that cannot be used or that is no longer used for building or growing things on

industrial wasteland工业废地

the desert wastelands of Arizona亚利桑那州的荒漠

The mid 1970s are seen as a cultural wasteland for rock music.20 世纪 70 年代中期被视为摇滚乐的文化荒漠。


n.1.an area of land that is desolate or barren and not used2.an area, situation, or time that has no interesting features

1.荒地 植物( Plant) 荒地Wasteland) 漫步者( Wanderer) ...

2.荒原)系列是12年前一部颇具传奇色彩的角色扮演类游戏《废墟》(Wasteland)的非正式续集,因此,要想了解《异尘余生》就 …

4.废土这个是辐射系列的前身...核战后的背景设定啊、大量对话文本啊、非战斗技能啊什么的...你知 …

5.荒野 ... [sketch;rough map] 初步画出的图样 [wasteland;wilderness] 荒野 [among the people] 喻指民众中间、乡间 ...

6.荒芜之地 草本植物的总称〖 grass〗 未开垦过的荒地wasteland〗 文书的底稿;初稿〖 draft〗 ...

8.荒漠波器(filters)更能接受。这也许造成了如Strategies Unpmited中国市场分析师Eric Bergles所描述的“过度投资的荒漠wastel


1.But to see this piece of wasteland covered with weeds, the students were all very happy.不过看到这片杂草丛生的荒地时,同学们都非常高兴。

2.In America, Hurricane Katrina turned New Orleans from a stable, wealthy and vibrant city into a wasteland in the space of a few days.在美国,卡特里娜(Katrina)飓风在数日之内,就把新奥尔良从一个稳定、富足和充满活力的城市变成了一片废墟。

3.Siberia ! And he asked you to join him in that frozen wasteland and marry him there?西伯利亚!他还要妳去跟著他,在那结冻的荒地,嫁给他?

4.A wolf is as out of place in a concrete wasteland as a citizen of the First World would be in the depths of the Amazon or Sahara.狼不适合呆在在由混凝土构筑的废土中,就像那些第一世界国家的公民不适合住在亚马逊丛林或是撒哈拉大沙漠的深处。

5.It was pke being in one of those post-apocalyptic science-fiction films where vagrants wander the wasteland looking for food and shelter.那感觉就仿佛身处某部末世浩劫科幻电影中:流浪汉们在荒原上游荡,寻找着食物和庇护所。

6.It's just a dirt wasteland, so ugly that Wynn planted a row of trees so his hotel guests wouldn't stare at it from their windows.实在太丑陋了,以至于温恩酒店不得不种了一排树,这样客人就不会从窗户里面看到外面的情况。

7.Your family's ranch is nothing but a wasteland now.你们家的农场现在就是一块荒地

8.And as you can see from the wasteland behind me which used to be residential apartment housing, the old is going very, very rapidly.正如您所看到的我身后这片曾是住宅楼的废墟,旧楼消失得非常非常快。

9.The rest, geneticists acknowledged with unconcealed embarrassment, was an apparent biological wasteland.遗传学者尴尬地承认,其余的基因组在生物学意义上很明显是废物。

10.And what of French television? It has lurched in recent years from a state-controlled earnestness to a privatized creative wasteland.那么法国电视又怎样呢?法国的电视近年来已从国家监控下的认真从事倒向私有化的创造力荒原。