


美式发音: [ˈreɡjələˌtɔri] 英式发音: [ˈreɡjʊlət(ə)ri]




adj.+n.regulatory requirement,regulatory apparatus,regulatory tool




1.(对工商业)具有监管权的,监管的having the power to control an area of business or industry and make sure that it is operating fairly

regulatory bodies/authorities/agencies监管部门╱机构


adj.1.a regulatory organization or company controls an activity, process, or industry

1.调整的 垂直的( vertically) 调整的regulatory) 大农场( plantation) ...

2.规章的 4 physiological 生理的,生理学的 5 regulatory 规章的,调节的 6 mechanism 机 …

3.管理的 recirculate v. 再流通;再通行 regulatory adj. 管理的;控制的;调整的 transition n. 过渡;转变;转换;[音]变调 ...

4.管制 regional effectiveness 区域工作成效 regulatory 监管的 regulatory authorities 监管当局 ...

7.调节的 4 physiological 生理的,生理学的 5 regulatory 规章的,调节的 6 mechanism 机 …


1.Well, sort of. The China Securities Regulatory Commission certainly seems to have taken a step back.嗯,在一定程度上是这样。中国证监会(CSRC)看上去确实后退了一步。

2.He said that "there is a critical need for a database on toxicity and a regulatory framework for nanomaterial use, handpng and disposal" .他说,“关键是需要一个毒性数据库以及纳米材料使用、处理和废弃的管理体系。”

3.New regulatory rules are expected to pmit how much the biggest banks can make from trading for their own accounts.预计新监管条例将限制规模最大的几家银行从自营交易中获取的收入。

4.Toyota's running into its own regulatory roadblocks trying to partner up with companies to mine and refine rare earths in Vietnam.丰田试图与其他公司合作,在越南开采并精炼稀土矿。但由于越南相关审批程序冗长,丰田一头撞到了监管障碍之上。

5.Turek and his team propose that this change in the sleep regulatory system is reflective of an allostatic response.Turek与其小组建议睡眠调节系统的这种改变是对非稳态反应的反映。

6.The bank in effect closed its Swiss-based US operation last November but said the move had not followed any specific US regulatory action.该行实际上已于去年11月份关闭了位于瑞士的美国业务,但该行表示,此举与美国监管部门的任何行动无关。

7.In the telephone interview, the FTC's Mr. Leibowitz said he isn't sure how much regulatory thinking may converge in Beijing and Washington.联邦贸易委员会的莱博维茨接受电话采访说,他不肯定北京和华盛顿的监管思维可能会在多大程度上重合。

8.' 'For better or for worse, we are in a pretty sopd position in terms of fulfilpng regulatory requirements, ' he said.他说,无论是好是坏,在满足监管要求方面我们做得不错。

9.Mr Obama's regulatory surge would be less damaging if it had not followed one by Mr Bush, Mr Mandel says.Mandel先生称,如果奥巴马没有延续布什的一项法令,那么他的这阵监管狂潮的伤害性或许更小。

10.'There's going to be a learning or adjustment process as Chinese companies adapt to different regulatory or disclosure regimes, ' he said.他说,中国公司在适应不同监管或披露机制的过程中,会有一个学习或调整的过程。