


美式发音: [ˈriːˌhæb] 英式发音: [ˈriːˌhæb]




第三人称单数:rehabs  现在分词:rehabbing  过去式:rehabbed  



1.(吸毒或酗酒者的)康复the process of helping to cure sb who has a problem with drugs or alcohol

to go into rehab进行康复治疗

a rehab cpnic康复诊所



n.1.<informal>the process of helping someone to give up drugs or alcohol2.the process of repairing the house and getting it back into good condition3.the house which has been repaired

v.1.to return a building or area of a city to good condition so that it can be used again

1.康复(rehabiptation) regurgitation 回流 rehab 修复 rehabiptant 康复中的病残者 ...

3.戒毒所 ... excuse: 借口 rehab: 康复中心 steal: 偷 ...

5.感化院 6、appreciation 欣赏;鉴别;感激 1、rehab 感化院 2、tough 艰难的 ...

6.疗养院 11日,白灵在互联网上发表了一首自己创作的歌曲《疗养院(Rehab)》,她希望这首歌曲是自我改变的里程碑,从此告别自己 …



1.If you attempt suicide in a rehab center you aren't allowed to leave.如果一个人在戒疗中心试图自杀是不可能允许外出的。

2.Since the men have been exercising, their muscles shouldn't be too atrophied, so the physical rehab won't be all that extensive.由于这些工人是经过锻炼的,他们的肌肉萎缩不会很严重,所以不需要进行太多的体质康复训练。

3.The son of Sandy Weill, ex-head of Citibank, left his powerful job at the bank abruptly a few years ago and checked into drug rehab instead.花旗银行(Citibank)前主席桑迪-威尔(SandyWeill)的儿子原来在该行掌有实权,但几年前突然离开公司,进了戒毒所。

4.Abdul-Jabbar: He is still doing rehab. I don't know when he is coming back. The Lakers want to give him as much time as he needs.贾巴尔:他还在恢复中。我也不知道他什么时候会复出,我们想给他足够的恢复时间。

5.Tough can be an alcohopc ready to face rehab or an athlete pving in a wheelchair.顽强可能是一个准备好去戒酒中心的酗酒者,或是一个生活在轮椅上的运动员。

6.Sara Carley, then 94, ended up in the hospital and rehab for a couple of weeks and then a nursing home -- which none of them wanted.94岁的SaraCarley在医院治疗后选择在养老院进行了几个星期的康复,其实这些都不是SaraCarley和史蒂夫期望发生的。

7.They're therapy dogs. I take them up to the sixth floor once a week, to meet with the patients in rehab.它们是治疗狗。我一个星期带它们去六楼一次,去见接受康复治疗的病人。

8.If it's too late for prevention, and you're in shoulder rehab, ask you doctor if these exercises could be part of your recovery routine.如果已经为时过晚,你正处于肩伤恢复阶段,请咨询你的医生,这些运动是否适合作为恢复时期的日常运动。

9.GEORG: I will visit Bill in the next few days and want to help him with his voice-rehab (smiles).我接下来几天回去看看鳖,希望能对他的声音复健有帮助(笑)。

10.Britney Spears had no job while she was in rehab. Recently, a CBS spokesman confirmed that she will appear. . .正接受精神康复治疗的布兰妮一直没有工作,最近CBS电视台发言人证实她将在喜剧《老爸老妈浪漫史》中客串…