


美式发音: [ˈreɪnˌdɪr] 英式发音: [ˈreɪnˌdɪə(r)]






1.驯鹿a large deer with long antlers (= horns shaped pke branches), that pves in cold northern regions

herds of reindeer驯鹿群


n.1.[Animal]an animal pke a deer with large antlers growing from its head that pves in the Arctic and in northern regions of Europe and North America

1.驯鹿 deer 鹿 reindeer 驯鹿 giraffe 长颈鹿 ...

2.麋鹿 “santa claus 圣诞老人” “reindeer 麋鹿” “gift 礼物”等词汇一一教授给小豆子们! ...

3.驯鹿肉 ) Pineapple 凤梨糖果 ) Reindeer 驯鹿奶 ) Strawberry 草莓糖果 ...

5.北美驯鹿少难得一见的落基山大角鹿(Elk,又叫“麋鹿”)、北美驯鹿Reindeer)、北极狼(Arctic Wolves)、大角盘羊(Big Horn S…

6.农场动物-小鹿 ... 有机枫木动物造型玩偶-澳洲动物-食火鸡 Emu 有机枫木动物造型玩偶-农场动物-小鹿 Reindeer ...

7.小靡鹿 ... blue cake( 蓝色蛋糕) - 已售完 reindeer( 小靡鹿) - 已售完 snail( 蜗牛) - 已售完 ...


1.In 2007, a Russian hunter came across what he thought was the body of a reindeer sticking out of the snow.2007年.一位俄罗斯猎人在冰雪中发现一具动物尸体,起初他还以前这是一头冻死的驯鹿。

2.As long as you could hunt reindeer, you were going to be alright.只要你能捕猎到驯鹿,一切都会好起来的。

3.The Samoyed dog takes its name from the Samoyedic peoples of Siberia and has been used for sledding and herding reindeer.萨摩耶犬以西伯利亚牧民族萨摩人而命名,一向被用来拉雪橇和看守驯鹿。

4."There were reindeer on his boxer shorts, " he said, making a joke about how all the deer were red- nosed from blood.“他短裤里有只驯鹿,”他说,接着开始取笑所有的驯鹿是如何被血染成红鼻子的。

5.The reindeer herder who discovered Lyuba sold her for two snowmobiles and a year's supply of food.发现卢芭的那个驰鹿牧民出售卢芭,换了两辆雪地车和一年的食物。

6.Which is exactly what reindeer seem to have done, according to a study in Current Biology.据《当代生物学》的一篇研究看来,驯鹿就是一直这么做的。

7.If Santa Claus himself had come down out of the mountains, reindeer and all, I would not have been more pleased.就是圣诞老人本人从大山里、驯鹿上或别的什么地方走过来,我也不会更高兴了。

8.Finally, don't tell Rudolph, but a great reindeer stew can be had in Lapland as well.最后,别告诉鲁道夫,在拉普兰还可以尝到棒极了的炖驯鹿大餐呢。

9.Software Description: Snow for Windows makes it snow while you work. See Santa and his reindeer on your screen as well.雪花在你的桌面上,可以看到圣诞老人和他的驯鹿。

10.Reading on, he came to a passage about reindeer being wiped out on St Matthew Island in the Bering Sea.他就读了下来,看到一段讲述白令海圣马修岛上的驯鹿被杀戮殆尽了。