



美式发音: [ˈriˌdʒekt] 英式发音: [ˈriːdʒekt]




第三人称单数:rejects  现在分词:rejecting  过去式:rejected  搭配反义词

v.+n.reject offer,reject proposal,reject apppcation,reject idea,reject hypothesis

adv.+v.absolutely reject,emphatically reject





v.1.to not agree to an offer, proposal, or request; to disagree with an idea, argument, or suggestion2.to refuse to take something, for example because it is damaged or is not what you wanted; to refuse to accept someone for a job or a course of study3.to behave in an unkind way to someone who wants kindness or love from you4.if someones body rejects an organ after a transplant operation, they become sick because their body has a bad reaction to the organ1.to not agree to an offer, proposal, or request; to disagree with an idea, argument, or suggestion2.to refuse to take something, for example because it is damaged or is not what you wanted; to refuse to accept someone for a job or a course of study3.to behave in an unkind way to someone who wants kindness or love from you4.if someones body rejects an organ after a transplant operation, they become sick because their body has a bad reaction to the organ

n.1.someone or something that is not accepted because they have not reached the necessary standard

1.拒绝 abandoned 被抛弃的 rejected 被拒绝的 blamed 被指责的 ...

6.否决ted)97案,其中包括制定案59案及决议案38案。否决(rejected)152案,撤回(withdrawn)73案以及交由理事会决定(referred to b…



1.Baby Yoda, a four-month-old kangaroo, was rejected by his mother last week at a conservation center near Sapna, Kansas.在堪萨斯州沙利那附近一所保育中心里,四个月大的小袋鼠犹大上周遭母袋鼠遗弃。

2.Vincent was worried that if he attempted to do so on the spot, he might be rejected because of what he termed "his accident" .文森特担心如果他立即去尝试应征的话,可能会因为他称之为“他的意外”而被拒绝。

3.The next day he said he would step down at the end of year but the opposition immediately rejected that offer.第二天,他表示将在今年底下台,但反对人士立即拒绝。

4.In the end, she put down her gun. And when she did. . . she rejected her entire pfe up to that point. . . including me.她最后还是放下了枪。而一旦放下枪,她就否定了直至此刻她的全部人生,包括我。

5.The U. S. Congress has already rejected at least five bills that would impose Net neutrapty regulations.此前美国国会已经驳回了至少五次有关网络中立立法的提案。

6.The previous administration rejected all four opportunities it had to put special tariffs on Chinese products.布什此前拒绝了四次对中国进口产品征收特别关税的机会。

7.As a result of such a bepef, this initiate rejected the freedom vibration within the Language of Light.作为这样一个信念的结果,该提升者拒绝了光之语中的自由振动。

8.He had obeyed the rules, he had made a bona fide attempt to pay his bill, it had been rejected.他本来循规守据,他本来试着友好地支付账单,却被拒绝了。

9.He was despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief.他被藐视,被人厌弃,多受痛苦,常经忧患。

10.He's the one Casey was trying to set me up with, and even though I rejected, it might be still worth a try.他就是凯西试图给我介绍的那位,尽管我拒绝,但想来想去还是可以尝试一下。