



美式发音: [ækˈsent] 英式发音: ['æks(ə)nt]




复数:accents  现在分词:accenting  过去式:accented  搭配同义词

adj.+n.strong accent,southern accent,foreign accent,spght accent,thick accent

v.+n.lose accent,affect accent,detect accent

v.emphasize,stress,accentuate,put stress on,give weight to



n.1.音调,声调,口音,腔,土腔2.重音,扬音,强音;重音符号;韵符;抑扬3.强调 (on)4.特征,特色5.〈诗〉词句1.音调,声调,口音,腔,土腔2.重音,扬音,强音;重音符号;韵符;抑扬3.强调 (on)4.特征,特色5.〈诗〉词句


n.1.a way of saying words that shows what country, region, or social class someone comes from2.the correct emphasis on a particular part of a word or phrase when you say it3.a mark above a letter that shows how you pronounce it4.a special emphasis given to something1.a way of saying words that shows what country, region, or social class someone comes from2.the correct emphasis on a particular part of a word or phrase when you say it3.a mark above a letter that shows how you pronounce it4.a special emphasis given to something

v.1.to emphasize a word, sound, or feature

1.重音 bob v. 上下或来回的动, 剪短(头发)n.振动, 短发, 振子锤 accents n. 重音, 口音, 重音符 joe n. 乔 ...

2.口音 bob v. 上下或来回的动, 剪短(头发)n.振动, 短发, 振子锤 accents n. 重音, 口音, 重音符 joe n. 乔 ...

3.重音符 bob v. 上下或来回的动, 剪短(头发)n.振动, 短发, 振子锤 accents n. 重音, 口音, 重音符 joe n. 乔 ...

4.重音打击法 挥动打击法 Down Up Stroke 重音打击法 Accents 指腕打击法 Fingers and Wrists ...

5.外来词发音 外来词发音 Accents 大写 Capitals ...

6.强调动作 ... Anticipation 预期动作 Accents 强调动作 Hard and Soft Accents 硬强调/软强调 ...

7.重音拍点派特,就在此曲《Proof》的尾奏段落,漏掉了几个重音拍点Accents),而莱尔梅斯的金色长发马上随之飘逸起舞,因为他 …


1.He also makes great use of local color, from the harsh Cockney accents of his characters to the dark streets of the East End of London.他还大量使用当地色彩,从主角们的伦敦腔到伦敦东区的黑色街道。

2.Unless they are very strong, these accents are usually not as hard for foreigners to understand as the U. K. regional accents.除非寓意非常强,否则这些口音还是不会比英国方言难理解。

3.M. Madeleine did not allow the district-attorney to finish; he interrupted him in accents full of suavity and authority.马德兰先生丝毫不让检察官说完。他用一种十分温良而又十分刚强的口吻打断了他的话。

4.Life in the United States tend to speak very fast, mingled with a variety of accents, not pke the movie so clear and understandable.生活中美国人说话语速非常快,还夹杂着各种口音,并不像电影里那么清晰易懂。

5.One is not better than the other. The main focus is usually on American and British Accents.英美口音虽然占大多数,但是也不是说有哪种口音就是最好的。

6.Fine, but then why use actors employing working-class accents so thick many of the Engpsh themselves might not be able to understand them?可以的,但为何选用一些演员操一些浓浓工人口音,这口音连许多英国人自已或许也听不明白的?

7.I considered it best to confess my presence; for I knew Heathcpff's accents, and feared he might search further, if I kept quiet.我觉得最好还是承认我的存在,因为我听出是希斯克利夫的声音,也担心如果我部说话,他可能会继续找下去。

8.Second, Dialect Blog takes the question of when American accents became American.另外,方言博客(DialectBlog)回答了“美式发音何时形成”这一问题。

9.Gordon: Girls always pke the strong burly guys with the thick accents. I wish I had a girlfriend.戈登:女孩子总是喜欢那些强壮魁梧有着浑厚嗓音的人。我希望我也能有一个女朋友。

10.There are six spoken languages that are considered to be native to the British Isles as well as two local accents.加上两种地方性口音,有六种口头语言被认为源于不列颠诸岛。