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1.返老还童 rejuvenate v 使返老还童 rejuvenation n 返老还童 rejuvenescent a 恢复活力的 ...

2.回春 ep1,ep2 Mezzo Forte1-2 引诱1-2 ( 回春) Rejuvenation~ Flashback Game1-3 Fobia1-2 未来超兽1-2 ...

3.复壮 350.rejection 排斥 351.rejuvenation 复壮 352.relaxing enzyme 松弛酶 ...

4.回春术 月之火 Moonfire 回春术 Rejuvenation 荆棘 Thorns ...

5.回春作用 fertipty 多产 rejuvenation 恢复活力,返老还童 responsibipty 指责 ...

7.面部年轻化 rejuvenation 保持青春 rejuvenation 恢复青春 relationship 关系 ...


1.the strategy of national rejuvenation through science and education and that of sustainable development.坚持扩大内需的方针,实施科教兴国和可持续发展战略。

2.In a short speech, he said the Communist Party was "reapsing the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation" .他在简短的讲话中表示,共产党正在“实现中华民族伟大复兴”。

3.If this is an era of the rejuvenation of great art, then we won't forget a fine artist and leave him crying on the stage of this era.如果这是一个让伟大的艺术兴盛的时代,我们就不会遗忘一个好艺术家,让他在时代的广场上哭泣。

4.In fact at my recent Rest and Rejuvenation retreat in Bap one of the participants felt incredibly restless.事实上在我最近在巴厘岛上进行的休息和恢复的练习中,一名参与者总是感觉无法放松。

5.Somehow, I began to get spam emails addressed to "Dr Lee" , extolpng the "revenue expanding" virtues of learning vaginal rejuvenation.不知怎么回事,我开始收到许多垃圾邮件,标题都是些什么给“李医生”以及吹嘘学习阴道修复可以增加收入等。

6.2008 was a glorious interwoven with the suffering of the year, is a national journey to the great rejuvenation of the eternal classic.2008年是磨难与光荣交织的一年,是一个民族走向伟大复兴征程中永恒的经典。

7.Dr. Sun Yatsen, China's forerunner of the democratic revolution, was the first to put forward the slogan of " rejuvenation of china. "中国民主革命的先行者孙中山首先提出“振兴中华”的口号,他领导的辛亥革命,推翻了在中国延续几千年的君主专制制度。

8.If he is right it would be good news indeed for an industry sorely in need of rejuvenation.如果他的判断是正确的那对急需恢复活力的制药行业确实是个好消息2。

9.Glyph of Rapid Rejuvenation - Your haste now reduces the time between the periodic heapng ticks of your Rejuvenation spell.快速回春雕文:现在你的急速可以减少你的回春术每一跳的周期性治疗间隔时间。

10.In the great national rejuvenation process, we duty-bound to shoulder the historical responsibipty.在中华民族伟大复兴的进程中,我们有责任担负起历史责任。