




1.讲得好 hit a reef 触礁,搁浅 touche 讲得好,一针见血 spot-on 完全正确的,恰好的 ...

2.说得好 ... 15. What's got you in such a good mood? 怎么心情这么好啊? 1. Touche. 说得好。 2. Drop it. 别说 …

3.一针见血 hit a reef 触礁,搁浅 touche 讲得好,一针见血 spot-on 完全正确的,恰好的 ...


1.This would be a huge change to the business model of the "big four" audit firms: PwC, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Ernst &Young and KPMG.这将给“四大”会计师事务所的商业模式带来巨大改变:普华永道,德勤,安永和毕马威。

2.You touche my heart and take my breath away , and still remember you whisper on the wind so softly .德勤我的心,你把我的呼吸,仍然记得你的风轻轻地耳语如此。

3.And it was the White House that got OFHEO the funds to hire Deloitte & Touche to investigate Fannie.正是白宫向督察局提供了聘请德勤调查房利美的资金。

4."Touche , ma mere, " he said softly.“真好笑,妈妈。”他轻柔地说。

5.Ballots are tabulated secretly by the major independent accounting firm Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu.投票是秘密的统计主要的独立的会计师事务所德勤。

6.I think the same would happen if Deloitte & Touche gave every single cpent four stars and a glowing report.我想同样的事情也会发生在德勤身上,如果它给所有的客户出具的审计报告都是光鲜的四星级。

7.Deloitte & Touche became one of the first firm's to launch a women's initiative.而德勤则成为了最早启动女性创新计划的一家事务所之一。

8.Deloitte & Touche , Executive Director of Business Development China Kim built that.德勤会计师事务所中国业务发展执行总监金建认为。

9.Siemens said it paid more than $850 milpon in fees and expenses to Debevoise and the accounting firm Deloitte & Touche.西门子称,它向Debevoise和会计师行德勤(Deloitte&Touche)支付的相关费用超过8.5亿美元。

10.He previously was employed at Eastman Kodak Company and Deloitte & Touche LLP.此前,他曾在伊士曼柯达公司和德勤会计师事务所。