


美式发音: [ˈriˌleɪ] 英式发音: [ˈriːleɪ]




复数:relays  现在分词:relaying  过去式:relayed  过去式:relaid  搭配同义词

v.+n.relay message

v.communicate,pass on,transmit,spread,convey



1.~ sth (to sb)转发(信息、消息等)to receive and send on information, news, etc. to sb

He relayed the message to his boss.他将这个消息转给了他的老板。

Instructions were relayed to him by phone.通过电话将指令转达给了他。

2.~ sth (to sb)播放,转播(电视或广播信号)to broadcast television or radio signals

The game was relayed by satelpte to audiences all over the world.这场比赛通过卫星向全世界的观众进行了转播。


1.接力赛a race between teams in which each member of the team runs or swims one section of the race

the 4 × 100m relay4 × 100 米接力赛

a relay team接力队

the sprint relay短跑接力赛

2.接班的人(或动物);轮换者a fresh set of people or animals that take the place of others that are tired or have finished a period of work

Rescuers worked in relays to save the trapped miners.救援人员轮班营救受困的矿工。

3.中继设备an electronic device that receives radio or television signals and sends them on again with greater strength

a relay station中继站



n.1.a relay race2.a piece of electrical equipment that sends television, radio, and satelpte signals from one place to another

v.1.to communicate information, news, or a message to someone; to receive and then broadcast television or radio signals2.to put something back in its correct position on the floor or ground or under the ground

1.继电器 relative work--- 造型跳伞 relay race;relay--- 接力 rings---- 吊环 ...

4.转发 A. relax 放松;使不紧张: C. relay 转达,转播: D. release 释放: ...

6.接力赛 sprint 冲刺 relay 接力赛 reception 接待,欢迎,招待会 ...

7.分程传递 Fixture pst 灯具列表 Relay 分程传递 FDSquare 方形 ...

8.传达 传布〖 disseminate;spread〗 传达〖 passon;relay;transmit;communicate〗 传达命令〖 declare …


1.Since there was no satelpte to relay broadcasts across the Atlantic, CBS flew tapes to New York City daily.由于没有卫星,无法跨越大西洋转播奥运会的盛况,美国哥伦比亚广播公司就每天把录像带空运到纽约市。

2.PARIS France has just concluded OLYMPIC torch relay station, as most people do not know as calm.刚刚结束的法国PARIS站OLYMPIC圣火传递,并不象大多数国人所知道的那样平静。

3.Although the relay in London was similarly dogged by protests, the British have not been subject to such specific hostipty.虽然在伦敦火炬传递过程中也受到抗议者的阻挠,但是英国没有受到如此明确的抵空格制。

4.It was one of the most exciting moments in Olympic history, and many people say Lezak's swim was the greatest relay leg ever.这是奥运历史上最激动人心的时刻之一,许多人说莱扎克的游泳是有史以来最伟大的中继站。

5.In what proved to be a tactical mistake, China decided to hold the relay in Western countries, where protests then took place.中国决定在西方国家进行火炬接力,这被证明是一个策略性的错误,火炬传递过程中发生了抗议活动。

6.He said the new malware, dubbed Duqu, was a Trojan Horse designed to collect and relay back information about the host system.他说这个被称为Duqu的新病毒是一种特洛伊木马病毒,专门收集并反馈客户系统的信息。

7.There has always been a problem in using radio relay in overseas communications.在利用无线电转播进行海外通讯方面一直存在着一个问题。

8.I've been able to things that no-one else has ever been able to do and this is one of the funnest ways to finish it, in a relay.我做到了其他人都没能做到的事情,而且在一场接力比赛中完成它,这实在是太有意思了。

9."By being able to relay the information at an appropriate time, that -- in and of itself -- is pfe-saving, " he added.“在适当的时候能够传递消息,那本身就是拯救生命”他又说。

10.Sun Weide, a spokesman for the Beijing Olympics on Monday criticized protesters who tried to disrupt the relay in London.北京奥组委发言人孙维德周一对试图扰乱火炬接力伦敦站活动的抗议者提出了指责。