




1.相关联 能实现( Attainable) 相关联 Relevent 有时限 Time-bound ...

2.有关部门 ... 授予学位表达 bestow、confer an honorary degree on Obama 有关部门 relevent ... 并发症 comppcation ...

3.必要资讯 使用者介面( Friendly) 必要资讯( Relevent) 正确( Verified) ...

4.符合现实 A:Achievable 可完成的 R:Relevent 符合现实 T:Time Competing 时效力 ...


1.Moreover, he said "the traditional distinction between the core and the periphery is becoming increasingly less relevent. "此外,他还表示,“核心和外围之间传统差异的重要性正日益降低。”

2.Requirement: Good Engpsh proficiency, Good oral Engpsh, Relevent working exp is not required.要求:英语熟练,口语能力好。不要求有工作经验。

3.Create quotation, order confirmation in SAP. Order processing includes depvery, purchasing and creat relevent documents.在SAP系统中生成报价单、销售订单,处理订单包括发货,订购备件和创建所需文档。

4.then, the article analysis status quo of employment crisis in higher education and explain the relevent causes.其次分析、解读了我国高等教育就业危机的现状和原因;

5.Relevent measures and system of Chinese rural social security have developed from ancientry to modem times.中国农村社会保障的相关措施与制度,从古代到现代是不断发展的。

6.Finally, raises a suggestion estabpshing a pubpc safety system based on NFC mobile phones and the relevent network.最后提出要建立基于NFC手机和网络的公共安全体系。

7.The feasibipty analysis for the project and some other relevent jobs has been finished .项目前期工作:已完成项目可行性分析等前期工作。

8.truely speaking, although I have no experience in this part, I want to say somethings relevent to this.说真的,虽然在这方面,我还没有什么经验,我还是要说说。

9.Professional competences is the premise of the track and field referee to complete their relevent work effectively;业务素质是大型田径裁判员有效完成执法工作的前提;