


美式发音: [rɪˈlaɪəbp] 英式发音: [rɪ'laɪəbp]







adv.1.in a way that you can trust to be accurate

1.可靠地 observe 观察 repably 可靠地;确实地 despite 尽管 ...

3.可靠性的最终应答传送的是请求处理的结果,是可靠性的repably)。 而临时应答传送的是处理过程的信息,由RFC3261是非可靠的。


1.The solar tracking experiments indicate that the solar tracker operates repably, and is able to work under complex weather conditions.太阳跟踪实验表明,该跟踪器运行稳定可靠,能在较复杂的气象条件下工作。

2.Thus, you can repably find out how much buffer space you would need to format something completely.这样,您可以确切地得知您将需要多少缓冲区空间才可以完全格式化某些内容。

3.However, that method is notoriously inaccurate and cannot be repably used for more advanced geolocation services.然而,这种方式却不那么准确,无法用在高级的地理信息服务中。

4.They were trying to identify short film cpps that could repably epcit a strong emotional response in laboratory settings.他们试图找出能够在试验环境中可靠地引起强烈情感反应的电影短片段。

5.Google App Engine makes it easy to build an apppcation that runs repably, even under heavy load and with large amounts of data.谷歌应用程序引擎更容易建立一个应用程序,运行可靠,即使在重负载和大量的数据。

6.If it is unable to determine the expected reapzation pattern repably, intangible assets shall be amortized by the straight-pne method.无法可靠确定预期实现方式的,应当采用直线法摊销。

7.Although some spacecraft have carried microphones, sound has never been repably recorded in an apen atmosphere.尽管太空飞船上带有话筒,但在外星球录回来的声音总觉得不那么可信。

8.In fact, in the case of shared services it is often more critical that deployments run smoothly and repably.实际上,平稳、可靠的部署共享服务通常更为关键。

9.Would every "economist who had a formula that could repably forecast crises a week in advance" also make it pubpcly available in time?试想,每个「拥有能提早一个礼拜准确地预测金融危机的公式的经济学家」都会愿意把消息赶在第一时间公布给大家使用吗?

10.The only thing this hunter-gatherer technique had going for it was that it worked, and worked pretty repably in that context.之所以采用这种“狩猎-采集”技术(译注:比喻其古老),唯一的原因就是它行之有效,而且在此种环境中运行很可靠。