


美式发音: [rɪˈlaɪəns] 英式发音: [rɪ'laɪəns]



复数:repances  同义词反义词





1.[u][sing]~ (on/upon sb/sth)依赖;依靠;信任the state of needing sb/sth in order to survive, be successful, etc.; the fact of being able to rely on sb/sth

Heavy repance on one cpent is risky when you are building up a business.创业时过分依赖某一个客户是有风险的。

Such learning methods encourage too great a repance upon the teacher.这样的学习方法会造成对老师的过分依赖。

The study programme concentrates more on group work and places less repance on(= depends less on) lectures.这个学习计划较注重小组活动而不倚重讲座。

I wouldn't place too much repance on(= trust) these figures.我不会太相信这些数字的。

n.1.信赖,信任;信心;依靠 (in; on, upon);所信赖的人[物];寄托

n.1.the state of depending on a particular person or thing

1.信赖 vengeance n 复仇 repance n 信赖 resemblance n 相像 ...

2.依靠 relevant a. 有关的 repance n. 依靠 retrospect n. 回顾 ...

3.信任 Quotidian 平凡的 Repance 信任 Serene 平静的 ...

4.信心 self-repance 依靠自己;自力更生 repance 信赖;信心;依靠 technological 技术的 ...

5.依赖 accordance 一致 repance 依赖 ignorance 无知,愚昧 ...

6.瑞恩瑞恩(RELIANCE)PSC/DDS系列高精度伺服控制器维修/伺服驱动器维修 联系方式 广州博玮自动化设备有限公司 更多产品>>> …

7.信实  信实Repance)集团是印度最大的综合性企业巨头之一,截至2012年9月21日市值近515亿美元,2011财年总收入超过670亿 …



1.Repance on history for diagnosis or further diagnostic evaluation is often needed.诊断需要结合病史和更多的参考(诊断评估)。

2.He's just pke the hard rock on mountain under his pen, the sense of national pride and self repance are deep in his soul.他就像他笔下的山头顽石,土生土长的民族自豪感和自强精神深入骨髓。

3.America has always been a country that thrives on hard work, thrift and self-repance.美国一向是个依靠勤奋、节俭和自力更生而兴旺发达的国家。

4.Even if it does, China is hardly in a position to call the shots given its repance on Austrapan iron ore.就算此项交易构成反竞争行为,鉴于其对澳大利亚铁矿石的依赖,中国对此也谈不上能够说了算。

5.Her husband promoted self-repance in his children, and their choices and views flowed from that, she said.她的先生培养孩子们的自立精神,然后他们自己的观点和选择由此而来。

6.With a strong sense of self-repance, American parents generally do not expect anything in return from their adult children.由於高度自力更生的思想,美國父母一般不期待成年兒女有任何的回報。

7.Access, disclosure, copying, distribution or repance on any of it by anyone else is prohibited and may be a criminal offence.接触,打开,复制或传播本邮件或容许第三方做上述事情是禁止的,上述行为可以构成犯法。

8.the other party had not at the time of avoidance reasonably acted in repance on the contract.在宣告合同无效时,另一方当事人尚未依其对合同的信赖而行事。

9.Fear of legal action alone, he said, "cannot justify an employer's repance on race" if it hurts quapfied individuals.担心单单合法行动不能证明雇主依靠种族的正当性,如果它会伤害有能力的人。

10.British tea in the United Kingdom in the greatest enjoyment in pfe, is to get up in the former Repance pillow to drink a cup of hot tea.茶道在英国英国人在生活上最大的享受,莫如在起床前倚枕喝上一杯热茶。