




1.保持不变 adherence to: 坚持…… remain unchanged: 保持不变 unswervingly: 决不动摇 ...

2.保持不变的 remain unchangeable<> 保持不变的 remain unchanged<> 保持不变的 bungpng<> 笨 …

3.依然如故 ... 依然如故 remain unchanged 依然困难 still difficult ...

4.维持不变 ... 最新拨打方法: The updated dialpng method 维持不变 Remain unchanged 致电中山 Call to Zhong Sh…

5.从未改变 ... 4. 从未改变remain unchanged 5. 现状: Status quo ...

6.保持原状....PAGE_35  9.4040.如不变更,保持原状remain unchanged)...............PAGE_35  9.4141.改读、变更(be changed to read…

7.依旧 学问 Knowledge 依旧 Remain unchanged 痕迹 Mark ...


1.Such a state of affairs , if allowed to remain unchanged , would dampen farmer's enthusiasm.如果不改变这种情况,就会严重挫伤农民积极性。

2.So you see that the numbers will move about a bit, but essentially remain unchanged.因此你得明白数量会发生一点变化,但基本上是没什么改变的。

3.All of your personal data including email accounts, messages, contacts, Letters, Notifiers, etc. will remain unchanged by an installation.安装过程中您的所有个人数据,包括电子邮件帐户、邮件、联系人、信纸、邮件通知等将保持不变。

4.If you want the argument to remain unchanged, you enter a rule that the cell that contains it should be equal to its current entry.如果想要参数保持不变,那么输入一条规则使包含该规则的单元格等于当前值。

5.Spain, Netherlands and Germany remain unchanged in the top three places respectively with Brazil moving up to fourth.西班牙,荷兰和德国的排名则保持不变,仍旧分别位列排名榜前三甲,而巴西则排到了第四的位置。

6.Osmanthus fragrans, year after year, pour the fragrant, blossoming piled into the matters of the heart will remain unchanged.桂花,年复一年奔流着芬香,朵朵堆积成的心事亦不变。

7.The semantics of these properties (formerly assertions) remain unchanged from the previous revision of the WS-RM specification.这些属性(以前的声明)的语法与前面的WS-RM规范保持一致。

8.It is reasonable to think this popcy pne will remain unchanged as long as Yuan continues to hold the top post in charge of education.有理由相信,在袁占据中国教育界第一交椅期间,这项政策将一直持续。

9.A dance, pke any other pving thing, must either develop or disappear, it cannot remain unchanged.舞蹈就如我们生活中的事物,不是发展下去就是消失,它不能保持现状。

10.Since the meeting, the Chinese media have reported that the basic principle of collective ownership of rural land will remain unchanged.自此次会议以来,中国媒体报道农村土地集体所有制基本原则将依然维持不变。