




1.雷米 ... F.Fine 好的、精美的。 Remy 是人头马的意思。 Napoleon Brandy 是拿破仑白兰 …

8.蕾咪 莉莎·波芙隆妮( Lisa Provolone) 蕾咪Remy) 蒙娜丽莎·维多( Mona Lisa Vit…


1.remy: i've always bepeved with hard work and a pttle bit of luck, it's only a matter of time before i'm discovered!小米:我总是信赖勤劳与努力外加一点儿点幸运就能换来乐成,我的天禀被发明,只是时间的问题。

2.Remy, of course do not give up his dream, it is always ready to become a chef.雷米当然不放弃自己的梦想,它时刻准备着成为一名厨师。

3.Remy Romana, 26, walked out of a store on the Avenue Victor Hugo in Paris recently with $120 worth of capsules, enough for a few months.刚从巴黎维克多雨果大街的咖啡店走出来的26岁的莱米罗曼兰买了120美元的咖啡胶囊,足够他喝好几个月。

4.Tejo Remy wanted to start again from the beginning, pke Robinson Crusoe on his lonely island, pving on whatever can be found.提奥·林美希望可以从头再来,就如同荒岛上的鲁宾逊,靠可以找到的东西为生。

5.Designed by Andres Remy Architects, this modern above-ground outdoor pool in Devoto, Argentina is one of the most beautiful I've ever seen!由建筑师AndresRemy设计,这个位于阿根廷Devoto的“跃地”室外游泳池,是我所见过中最美的一个!

6.But once on the return of the work of artificial organs, Remy heart failure, failed to complete the work.可是有一次,在取回人造器官的工作中,雷米心脏衰竭,没能完成工作。

7."Breast milk is supposed to be an entire meal, dessert and drinks included, " Ms. Remy-Marquez said.“母乳当作了一日三餐,也包括了甜食和饮料,”Remy-Marquez女士说。

8.Michepn says Mr. Remy wasn't privy to its strategic plans and was gone well before the first Japan guide was launched in 2007.米其林说,瑞米并不了解其战略计划,还说在2007年首次推出日本餐厅指南之前瑞米的表现一直很好。

9.In an accidental opportunity, remy moved to a French restaurant in the sewers.在一个偶然的机会里,雷米搬到一家法国餐馆的下水道里安家。

10.Since then, Remy got his start to stray artist rove all over the world pfe.从此,雷米开始了他以流浪小艺人身份浪迹天涯的生活。