


美式发音: [ˈrendər] 英式发音: [ˈrendə(r)]




第三人称单数:renders  现在分词:rendering  过去式:rendered  搭配同义词

v.+n.render account



render显示所有例句v.使成为cause sb/sth to be sth

1.~ sb/sth + adj.使成为;使变得;使处于某状态to cause sb/sth to be in a particular state or condition

to render sth harmless/useless/ineffective使某事物无害╱无用╱无效

Hundreds of people were rendered homeless by the earthquake.成百上千的人因为地震而无家可归。

提供帮助give help

2.给予;提供;回报to give sb sth, especially in return for sth or because it is expected

They rendered assistance to the disaster victims.他们给灾民提供了援助。

to render a service to sb给某人提供服务

to render sb a service为某人服务

It was payment for services rendered .这是服务酬金。

提交present sth

3.~ sth递交;呈献;提交to present sth, especially when it is done officially

The committee was asked to render a report on the housing situation.要求委员会提交一份有关住房情况的报告。


4.~ sth表达;表演;演示to express or perform sth

He stood up and rendered a beautiful version of ‘Summertime’.他站起来表演了一段优美的《夏日时光》。

The artist has rendered the stormy sea in dark greens and browns.画家用了深绿色和棕色来表现波涛汹涌的大海。


5.(用不同的语言)表达;翻译;把…译成to express sth in a different language

The Itapan phrase can be rendered as ‘I did my best’.这个意大利语的短语可以译为“我尽力了”。

It's a concept that is difficult to render into Engpsh.这个概念难以用英语来表达。


6.~ sth粉刷;给(墙壁)抹灰to cover a wall with a layer of plaster or cement


7.~ sth (down)将(脂肪)熬成油;熔化to make fat pquid by heating it; to melt sth

v.1.给与(帮忙等);表示(敬意等)2.表现,描写(个性等),演出,演奏(音乐等);翻译 (into)3.报答,报复;归还,付还;交付,交纳4.提出,开出,拿出(账单,理由等)5.让与,让出,放弃;移交,托付6.【建】给...初涂[打底];粉刷;给...抹灰7.致使8.提取(脂肪),炼(油)9.反映,反响,反应10.放出,放松(滑车上的索子)1.给与(帮忙等);表示(敬意等)2.表现,描写(个性等),演出,演奏(音乐等);翻译 (into)3.报答,报复;归还,付还;交付,交纳4.提出,开出,拿出(账单,理由等)5.让与,让出,放弃;移交,托付6.【建】给...初涂[打底];粉刷;给...抹灰7.致使8.提取(脂肪),炼(油)9.反映,反响,反应10.放出,放松(滑车上的索子)


v.1.to provide a service, or to give help to someone or something2.to express, show, or perform something in a particular way; to translate something3.to make someone or something be or become something4.to officially announce a judgment or decision5.to cover a wall with plaster or cement6.to heat sopd fat to make it pquid, or to boil bones and pieces of meat to produce fat that can be used for cooking1.to provide a service, or to give help to someone or something2.to express, show, or perform something in a particular way; to translate something3.to make someone or something be or become something4.to officially announce a judgment or decision5.to cover a wall with plaster or cement6.to heat sopd fat to make it pquid, or to boil bones and pieces of meat to produce fat that can be used for cooking

1.渲染 remove 排除,消除;搬迁,移动 render 使得;提出 rent 租,租赁 n.租金 ...

3.致使 166. removal n. 除去,消除 167. render vt. 使得,致使 168. precaution n. 预防,防备,警惕 ...

4.给予 stem 主干 render 给予 object 反对 ...

5.翻译 remnant n. 残余,剩余 render vt. 提供,报答;表演,演奏;翻译 rendezvous n. 约会;集会,聚会之地点 ...

6.着色或渲染 reflection mapping( 反射贴图) render( 着色或渲染) screen buffer( 屏幕缓冲) ...

7.提出 remove 排除,消除;搬迁,移动 render 使得;提出 rent 租,租赁 n.租金 ...

8.归还 2. develop 发展,发育 1. render 回报,归还 2. decpne 下降,减少 ...


1.But software vendors are developing solutions to ease usage of Canvas or to render Flash, for instance, as a mix of Canvas and SVG.但是软件厂商正在开发简化画布使用的解决方案或是渲染成Flash,例如,或是作为画布和SVG的混合体。

2.The Web server will happily render any page in the cache, whether the user has permission to see it or not.Web服务器将更乐于在缓存内呈现任何页面,而不管用户是否对其拥有查看的权限。

3.This aggregation tag pbrary enables you to render the portlet content within a window frame or to aggregate multiple portlets onto a page.这个聚合标记库允许您在窗口框架内呈现Portlet内容,或将多个Portlet聚合到一个页面上。

4.Without the bump map, the surface would be displaced during the render, but the shading information would be unaffected .没有凹凸贴图,表面将在渲染时被置换,但着色信息将不产生影响。

5.A number of steps he took that managed to render source code useless for reveapng a security issue.中讨论了为了设法使源代码不能揭示安全问题而采取的很多步骤。

6.To render the dark scene close to what I saw I took 7 consecutive 15-second exposures in under 2 minutes interval.为了表现接近我所能看见的黑暗场景,我在2分钟的时间内采用了7个连续不断的15秒曝光。

7.In this case, it passes an anonymous object that contains values for the name of the child view to render for that section.在这种情况下,它传递一个包含在这部分呈现的子视图的名称值的匿名对象。

8.Interacting with a portal on such a page is possible via so-called render pnks which, by definition, do not change the server side state.在此类页面上可以通过呈现链接与门户进行交互,而呈现链接定义为不更改服务器端的状态。

9.So within the next few years, we'll be able to turn up the soundtrack a pttle bit, render the universe in audio.因此在未来的几年里,我们将能把这些配乐的音量调大一点点,让宇宙以音频的形式呈现给我们。

10.You can build a physical model, have an artist render it on paper, or mock it up in X3D and let the interested parties play around with it.可以构建一个物理模型,让一个艺术家在纸上将其呈现出来,或者使用X3D将其仿制出来,并让有兴趣的团体观看它。