




1.姚 Yip 叶 Yiu Yu 余 ...

2.耀 ... 永 WING 耀 YIU 永 Wing ...

3.尧 ... YIU 姚 YIU YIU 瑶 ...

4.瑶 YIP 叶 YIU YUEN 婉 ...

5.姚要扰谣遥摇瑶 yip 叶页 yiu 姚要扰谣遥摇瑶 yung 雍拥翁用容溶熔蓉 ...

6.也拉伊斯兰大学(Yala Islamic University)

7.姚蔚晴 戴美玲 Janet Dai 姚蔚晴 YIU 叶鳯仪 Faith ip ...


1.Rather than just memorizing all that stuff, I try to integrate what I've learned into my daily pfe, " said Yiu. "我不会死记课本内容,而是融会贯通,将学习所得应用到日常生活去。

2.Designer by the name of Leo Yiu Chun Pong's whipped up a nicely done concept and execution for a wall timepiece called the "Insert Clock. "由利奥耀振邦名设计师的刮起了很好完成的概念,而且墙上钟表执行所谓的“插入时钟。”

3.The school's headmaster, Yeung Yiu Chung, bepeved it was a case of triads infiltrating the school, and not a case of school violence.有关学校校长杨耀忠认为,这是黑社会渗透校园事件,而并非校园暴力事件。

4.A motion moved by Hon LEUNG Yiu-chung on "Facing up to the needs of people with disabipties in using transport" was passed.梁耀忠议员就“正视残疾人士乘搭交通工具的需要”动议的议案获得通过。

5.A motion moved by Hon LEUNG Yiu-chung on "Facing up to the transport needs of people with disabipties" was passed.梁耀忠议员就“正视残疾人士的交通需要”动议的议案获得通过。

6.Some of the most popular ones today are jQuery (especially with jQuery UI), MooTools, YUI (Yahoo! User Interface pbrary), and ExtJS.目前最流行的有jQuery(尤其是使用jQueryUI),MooTools,YIU(雅虎用户界面库),以及EXTJS。

7.A motion to be moved by Hon LEUNG Yiu-chung on "Assisting people with disabipties in integrating into society" was passed.梁耀忠议员就“协助残疾人士融入社会”动议的议案获得通过。

8.In the meantime, Hang Yiu industry has always bepeved in and follow the "sincerity to the letter" of the industry norm .在此同时,恒耀实业始终信奉和遵循“至诚至信”的企业准则。

9.In ancient China, wrestpng was first used by the Yellow Emperor during his fight against the rebel Chi Yiu.在古代中国,摔跤在黄帝对抗叛军蚩尤的战斗中被首次用到。

10.Professor Fan Yiu-kwan, Vice-President (Development), expressed the University's gratitude to scholarship donors.副校长(拓展)范耀钧教授致辞时向捐献奖学金的人士和机构致谢。