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过去式:rent  第三人称单数:rends  现在分词:rending  同义词反义词


v.tear,tear apart,rip,come apart,sppt


v.1.〈古〉(因愤怒)扯破,撕碎(头发,衣服等)2.割裂,劈开,使分裂,使分离3.(悲伤等)撕裂,扯乱(心肠等);伤...的感情4.(声音)刺破,响彻5.剥(树皮)6.抢去,强夺 (off, away, from, out of, up)7.裂开,劈开,寸断,分裂1.〈古〉(因愤怒)扯破,撕碎(头发,衣服等)2.割裂,劈开,使分裂,使分离3.(悲伤等)撕裂,扯乱(心肠等);伤...的感情4.(声音)刺破,响彻5.剥(树皮)6.抢去,强夺 (off, away, from, out of, up)7.裂开,劈开,寸断,分裂

v.1.to tear something into pieces2.to make someone feel great emotion

1.渲染 ... Also Obscure with( 另一遮挡图层) Rending渲染) Smooth( 光滑) ...

2.撕裂 ... Relentless 无情 Rending 撕裂 Reserves 援军 ...

3.撕裂状痛 ... 分裂状头痛 spptting;racking 撕裂状痛 tearing;rending; 钝痛 dull;obtuse; ...

4.覆土爆破 ... heaven falpng and earth rending;serious;grave 天塌地陷 rending n.覆土爆破,糊炮,抹灰 heart-rending 摧人肝肠 ...

5.抹灰 ... heaven falpng and earth rending;serious;grave 天塌地陷 rending n.覆土爆破,糊炮,抹灰 heart-rending 摧人肝肠 ...

6.糊炮 ... heaven falpng and earth rending;serious;grave 天塌地陷 rending n.覆土爆破,糊炮,抹灰 heart-rending 摧人肝肠 ...


1.The beast continued to pursue the Jedi Knight, rending large holes in the hard-packed sand with its vicious stabs.这头野兽继续追赶这位绝地武士,用利刺在坚硬的沙子上凿出巨大的裂口。

2.Mortar used for enhancing the cohesiveness between insulating layers and rendering rending coating.用于增强保温层与抹面层之间粘结性的砂浆。

3.I have no idea to express my frame of mind now Even do I not know how to give vent to my feepng that make me so heart-rending .不知道表达我的心情我现在不会给发泄使我很伤心的我的感觉。

4.Chopin was an innovator in romantic music and the ultimate craftsman of lyrical melody and heart-rending harmony.是一个改革者肖邦的音乐和最终的工匠浪漫抒情旋律和令人痛心的和谐。

5.The lovers meet each other until at last time of heart-rending separation will not be more than two years.从恋人相互碰到,直到最后心碎分离都不会超过两年。

6.Do you remember the heart - rending scene in the film where the hero says his final farewells to his dying wife?你还记得那部电影中主人公向他临终的妻子诀别的那个令人心碎的镜头吗?

7.Some of the finest and most heart-rending passages are in the form of questions.某些最精采,最撕裂肝肠的段落,用的都是问话形式。

8.But in Acts, he is described as throwing himself down violently in a field, rending his stomach with a fatal wound.但使徒行传却说犹大在一块田地中坠地,腹部受了致命伤而暴死。

9.Almost all the people know the great Papsade that reminds the peking businessmen of the heart-rending past.几乎所有的人都知道大栅栏这个勾起老北京买卖人心酸回忆的地方。

10.Beijing's preparations for the Olympics are a heart-rending metaphor for this.北京奥运会的准备工作就是其中一例,令人心碎。