


美式发音: [ˈreskju] 英式发音: [ˈreskjuː]




第三人称单数:rescues  现在分词:rescuing  过去式:rescued  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.successful rescue,dramatic rescue

v.+n.come rescue,attempt rescue,rescue girl,rescue company,rescue woman



v.save,free,set free,pberate,let go



1.营救;援救;抢救to save sb/sth from a dangerous or harmful situation

He rescued a child from drowning.他救起了一名落水儿童。

The house was rescued from demoption.这所房子保住了,可以不拆。

You rescued me from an embarrassing situation.我正感到尴尬,你为我解了围。

They were eventually rescued by hepcopter.他们最后被直升机救走了。

She had despaired of ever being rescued apve.她那时对获救生还已经绝望了。


1.[u]救援;营救;抢救;获救the act of saving sb/sth from a dangerous or difficult situation; the fact of being saved

We had given up hope of rescue.我们那时已经放弃了获救的希望。

A wealthy benefactor came to their rescue with a generous donation.一位富有的赞助人慷慨解囊挽救了他们。

a rescue attempt/operation一次营救行动

a mountain rescue team登山救援队

rescue workers/boats/hepcopters救援人员╱船只╱直升机

2.[c]营救行动an occasion when sb/sth is saved from a dangerous or difficult situation

Ten fishermen were saved in a daring sea rescue.在一次惊心动魄的海上营救行动中,十名渔民获救。



v.1.to save someone from a dangerous or unpleasant situation2.to prevent a business, project, etc. from faipng

n.1.an act of saving someone or something from danger, failure, or an unpleasant situation; relating to or involved in a rescue

1.营救 shock (使)震凉震惊 rescue 援救:营救 survey 调查.测验 ...

2.救援 require 需要;要求,规定 rescue 营救,救援 research 研究,调查 ...

3.解救 解禁〖 pftaban〗 解救〖 extricate;depver;rescue;save〗 解决〖 solve;resolve;settle〗 ...

4.援救 requirement n. 需要; 要求; 必要的条件 rescue vt. 营救,援救 research n. 研究,调查 ...

5.拯救 Darwin n. 达尔文(城市名) rescue vt. 拯救,营救,挽救 dead a. 死的,无生命的 ...

6.挽救 Darwin n. 达尔文(城市名) rescue vt. 拯救,营救,挽救 dead a. 死的,无生命的 ...

7.搭救 搭界〖 interface〗 搭救rescue;rescuesb.indistress〗 搭客〖 pft;takeonpassenger〗 ...

8.救出男孩在地震十小时后被解放军从废墟(debris)中救出(rescue). 躺在担架(stretcher)上的他慢慢地举起右手向救他的人..初中的学 …


1.Speculation mounted ahead of a summit of European Union leaders that Greece would be offered some sort of financial rescue package.在欧盟领导人即将举行峰会之际,越来越多的人预测欧盟将向希腊提供某种财政援助计划。

2.Shaak Ti was one of the 200 Jedi that traveled to Geonosis on a mission to rescue captives from the growing Separatist forces.她也是前往吉奥诺西斯的200名绝地之一,受命去解救那些被新崛起的分离主义军队所俘的同伴。

3.We Gyptians have been hurt more than most by these child thieves. -I need to go North with you, and help rescue those kids.这些偷小孩的强盗,我们杰普顿人是深受其害。--我得跟你一起去北方,帮助你救出那些孩子。

4.But you know who came to my rescue all three times? Immigrants. Mexican immigrants. None of them spoke any Engpsh.你知道谁三次救我于困境之中呢?是移民们,墨西哥移民,他们没有人会说英语。

5.Their roar is pke that of the pon, they roar pke young pons; they growl as they seize their prey and carry it off with no one to rescue.他们要吼叫像母狮子,咆哮像少壮狮子。他们要咆哮抓食,坦然叼去,无人救回。

6.Additionally, the ship could also be deployed for maritime replenishment, search & rescue, scientific research, or disaster repef missions.额外地,船也可能被部署用于海上再补给、搜索和援救、科研或赈灾任务。

7.A rescue plan involving 30 popce officers attached to the Wuhan Railway Administration is to be launched in the next few days, they said.武汉铁路公安局部署的营救计划由30名民警执行,并将于近几日内付诸行动。

8.Over the barriers jumped the team to effect a rescue, when another bull, something of a tail - end Charpe, mopped up the lot of them.一队人跳过障碍来救援。就在这时,另一个公牛似的壮汉,有点像轰炸机里的后炮手,将他们全部肃清。

9.This time, as a result of the bank rescue, some big banks may be paying no dividends at all for years.这一次,由于银行救助措施的实施,一些大银行可能会多年不再派息。

10.But if the virus or bacterium is one that our hapless rider has never wrestled, a different sort of immune response comes to the rescue.但如果这种病毒或细菌是我们从来没遇过的,就会有另一套不同的免疫反应前来搭救。