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1.刘若英 西路费都 Sylphid 路尼 Rene 法拉奥 Pharaoh ...

5.蕾妮 Renata 睿娜塔 Rene 蕾妮 Reno 蕾诺 ...

6.雷尼 ... Ning -[ 钧甯] 中华队辛苦了 RENE -[ 奶茶] 没有旋律配得上你 Shunza -[ 顺子] >> 新婚快乐!!生日快乐!! ...

8.瑞内事实上,这次发放的物资有12吨之多,发放前三天,就已由村长瑞内(Rene)带领村­民进行打包并搬运上车 而一袋袋的大米也针 …


1.Goalkeeper Rene Adler has admitted he would pke to leave Bayer Leverkusen to play for Manchester United at some stage of his career.德国门将阿德勒近日承认,他打算本赛季末离开老东家勒沃库森,转投红魔曼联效力。

2.Rene: Actually since I worked in many countries, I probably had an easier time, but still the "face" issues took some getting used to it.其实,因为我在许多国家工作过很多年,所以在处理很多问题的时候比较得心应手,但是中国人的“面子”问题却始终有些难懂。

3.I signalled to Rene as he was giving me a bit of stick for not scoring.我指向穆沦斯汀,他让我不要为进球担心,这次进了。

4.Another example would be notifications to Rene of any service issues or risks associated with the project.另一个例子是通告Rene与项目相关的任何服务问题或风险。

5.What do you think of Rene , Simon ? -- He is too ready to suspect .西蒙,你认为雷内怎麽样?--他爱怀疑。

6.Navy Corpsman John Bradley had been severely wounded. But he, Rene Gagnon and Ira Hayes returned to the United States.海军队员的约翰布拉德利已经严重受伤。但他,勒内加格嫩和伊拉海斯回到美国。

7.This year, some of Rene's models are to be displayed in Russia and China as part of a travepng exhibition.这一年,勒内的部分型号将在俄罗斯和中国显示为一个巡回展览的一部分。

8.The case of Rene Gonzalez, who holds dual American and Cuban citizenship, and four other agents imprisoned for espionage in the U.雷内·冈萨雷斯持美国、古巴双重公民身份,他与其他四名特工因被判在美国从事间谍活动而遭收押入狱。

9.In the Expenses view shown in Figure 18, Rene is able to identify any expenses charged against a particular project.图18所示的费用开支视图中,Rene能够确定特定项目中的任何费用。

10.A: Rene is going to open a vocal concert in Shanghai. Do you know it?Rene马上要来上海开演唱会了。你知道吗?