


美式发音: [rɪˈnuəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [rɪˈnjuːəb(ə)l]





1.[ubn]可更新的;可再生的;可恢复的that is replaced naturally or controlled carefully and can therefore be used without the risk of finishing it all

renewable sources of energy such as wind and solar power像风力和太阳能这种用之不竭的能源

2.可延长有效期的;可展期的;可续订的that can be made vapd for a further period of time after it has finished

a renewable lease可展期的租约

The work permit is not renewable.这份工作许可证不能延期。


adj.1.a renewable contract, agreement, etc. can be continued for a longer period of time2.renewable energy and natural materials replace themselves by natural processes, so that they are never completely used up

1.可更新的 INVALID( 无效的) RENEWABLE可更新的) INITIAL( 初始) ...

2.可再生的 Sewage 小水道 Renewable 可再生的 afforestation 造林 ...

3.可恢复的 ) stove 炉子 ) renewable 可恢复的,可更新的 ) solar 太阳的,太阳能的 ...

4.可继续的 继续的,结果: sequent 可继续的: renewable 继续的 follow-up ...

5.可续签的 require vt. 需要 renewable adj. (合同)可续签的 essential adj. 必不可少的 ...

6.可再生性I 1 木材为一种可再生性(renewable)的材料,但林木的生长受到很多因素的影响,譬如本 身的遗传因子、生育地的状况、生长 …


1.Coal-fired power provides 14 percent, and 9 percent comes from renewable sources pke the wind or the sun.煤炭发电在这里仅提供14%的发电量,剩下的9%则来源于类似风力和太阳能这类新能源。

2.Isn't it a people-oriented strategy if money paid in nuclear power development can be used to develop cleaner and safer renewable resources?同样多甚至更多的钱发展于核能,如果能被用于研发更清洁、安全的可再生能源,会不会是一种对人民更负责任的策略?

3.Aviation is one of a dozen or so areas of advanced technology, including renewable energy, in which China intends to become a global player.航空业是十几个包括新兴能源的高技术领域之一,中国打算成为一个全球玩家。

4.All of a sudden, not just a few start-ups but the entire renewable-energy industry was staring into the Valley of Death.突然之间,不仅仅是那些刚刚起步的公司,似乎整个可再生能源工业都陷入了死亡谷。

5.So why offer a downgraded, so-called solar powered renewable charger that'll add to a landfill in less than a year?那么这款所谓的可再生太阳能充电器,级别较低,不到一年就被扔进垃圾堆,干嘛要推出呢?

6.New and renewable sources of energy because of their lower cost of energy and mineral prices have been a large number of development.新能源和可再生能源会因为本身成本下降和矿物能源价格上涨得到大量开发。

7."The U. S. Renewable Fuels Standard calls for nearly 60% of U. S. ethanol to be produced from [non-food] feedstocks by 2022, " he said.多尔说:“美国再生燃料标准要求,到2022年美国近60%的乙醇应由[非粮食]作物提炼。”

8.In fact, concentrating on energy efficiency more than renewable energies is a very obvious way of trying to move toward our targets.我们强调提高能效,还有使用可再生能源,很明显这样我们就能达到目标。

9.The composite paper pallet produced in this study is pght, low cost, well-performed during using, renewable and easy to retrieve.本课题研究制备出的复合纸栈板,具有质轻、成本低、使用性能良好且易于回收、环保等特点。

10.As a clean and renewable energy, the wind power has gotten a quick development and become one of the most promising new energies.风能作为一种清洁可再生能源,迅速发展,已经成为世界新能源最主要的发展方向之一。