



美式发音: [ˌriˈpækɪdʒ] 英式发音: [riːˈpækɪdʒ]


过去式:repackaged  现在分词:repackag-ing  现在分词:repackaging  第三人称单数:repackages  



v.1.to change the way that something is presented or sold in order to make it seem more attractive or interesting

1.重新打包BBX和PlayBook OS 2.0将能运行Android应用,但不是直接从Android Market下载下来就能使用,必须经过重新打包repackag


1.Most announcements of "new money" turn out to be old promises repackaged. This contribution was genuinely new and made a big difference.尽管WFP对于这些“额外资金”用途的说明,不过是对以往承诺的再包装,但沙特的捐款的确新颖且影响巨大。

2.You and I may think it had something to do with dud mortgages being repackaged as inexppcably exotic financial instruments. Wrong.你我或许会认为,毫无价值的抵押贷款,被重新打包为难以理解的新奇金融工具,应该难以逃脱牵连。错!

3.To achieve a higher, premium price, the "old idea repackaged in a new way" , as he calls it, had to undergo a Starbucks-pke transformation.为了取得更高的价格,如他所说“旧瓶装新酒”,必须进行星巴克似的变脸。

4.But now that the credits have been repackaged, and sold all over the globe, nobody knows where the pain pes.但现在这些信贷已被再次打包,卖给全球各地的投资者,没人知道谁在蒙受损失。

5.The workers merely threw the stale buns into a vat, added water and flour, and repackaged them to be sold anew.他们仅仅是把过期的馒头扔进大桶里,再添加水和面粉做出新的馒头,然后重新包装再出售。

6.CDOs were one of the main vehicles through which risky US mortgages were repackaged and sold to investors around the world .CDO是美国风险抵押贷款重新打包、然后出售给世界各地投资者的主要工具之一。

7.Banks had transferred loans to trust firms to be repackaged as wealth-management products as a way of circumventing lending quotas.过去,银行将贷款转移到信托公司,重新打包成财富管理产品,以便规避放贷限额。

8.Like the Legacy, the new Outback is repackaged to focus on increased interior volume, creating a more mainstream-competitive vehicle.一样遗产,新澳拜客是重新包装把重点放在增加内部容量,创造一个更加主流的竞争手段。

9.In 2007 it was chopped up and repackaged as the Lisbon treaty, shorn of fancy bits pke the anthem.2007年,欧盟宪法被肢解并重新打包,成了如今的里斯本条约,去除了异想天开的部分如欧盟盟歌等。

10.Body-hugging underwear (see photo) has had a makeover of its own and has been repackaged for men, the UK media reported recently.英国媒体近日报道,塑形紧身内衣(见图)已开始推陈出新,预备开拓男性市场。