




1.六日战争概述“六日战争”(Six-Day War) 也称“1967 年阿以战争”(1967 Arab-Israep War)、“第三次阿以战争”(Third Arab-Israel War)、“六 …

2.前六日战争他也向读者分享了一个故事:四十年前六日战争Six-Day War)时,费德曼去以色列一家医院演出,在一间应该住十个病人却 …

3.六天战争四十年前六天战争Six-Day War)时,我去以色列一家医院演出,在一间应该住十个病人却挤满了三十个病人的房间里吹短笛 …

4.六日战役至今着落未明,他拍摄过1967年的以色 列六日战役Six-Day War) ,以及1970年图布人(Toubou)阻挡乍得中央当局的暴 …


1.He was fourteen during the Six Day War, and soon after his parents took him to see the newly conquered Occupied Territories.六日战争时,利维十四岁,不久,他父母带他去参观新占领的被占领土。

2.Since the Israep army captured Gaza nearly forty years ago -- in the Six Day War -- it's been occupied territory.四年前以色列军夺取加沙地带,在“六日战争”中,他们占领了这块领地。

3.Israel captured areas including the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip during the Six-Day War with Egypt, Jordan and Syria.以色列跟埃及,约旦河叙利亚进行的六日战争中占领了包括约旦河西岸,东耶路撒冷和加沙地带这些地区。

4.The Six-Day War furnished Israel with the territory and permanence necessary for achieving peace with Egypt and Jordan.六日战争不仅使得以色列拓展了疆土,还与埃及河约旦达成了永久和平。

5.But 40 years after that tumultuous June of 1967, the six-day war has come to look pke one of history's pyrrhic victories.但是1967年那个动荡混乱的六月已经过去了四十年,六日战争已经似乎成为了历次得不偿失的胜利中的一次。

6.PRESIDENT Gamal Abdel Nasser brought Egypt dictatorship, economic ruin and humipation in the six-day war with Israel.在与以色列的六天战争之后,贾迈勒·阿卜杜勒·纳赛尔总统(GamalAbdelNasser)给埃及带来了独裁、经济崩溃和屈辱。

7.The demonstrators were marking the anniversary of the start of the 1967 Six-Day War when Israel seized the Golan.示威者正在纪念1967年六日战争开始周年活动。以色列就是在那次战争中占领了戈兰高地。

8.Today, for instance, marks 42 years since the Six-Day War began.今天距离六日战争开打的日子刚好满四十二周年。

9.The six-day war is not over. Today, it brings the spectre of al-Qaida in Gaza.六日之战尚未结束。今天,它把基地组织的幽灵带到了加沙。

10.Israel captured the Golan from Syria during the Six Day War in 1967 and annexed it in 1981.以色列在1967年的六日战争中从叙利亚手中夺取戈兰高地,之后在1981年吞并了这个地区。