


美式发音: [rɪˈpelənt] 英式发音: [rɪ'pelənt]




复数:repellents  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.insect repellent





1.~ (to sb)使人反感的;令人厌恶的very unpleasant; causing strong dispke

Their poptical ideas are repellent to most people.他们的政治观点令大多数人反感。

2.防…的;隔绝…的not letting a particular substance, especially water, pass through it

water-repellent cloth防水布


1.驱虫剂a substance that is used for keeping insects away from you

(an) insect repellent驱虫剂

2.防水剂a substance that is used on cloth, stone, etc. to prevent water from passing through it

(a) water repellent防水剂



adj.1.something that is repellent is so unpleasant that you want to avoid it completely

n.1.a substance that keeps insects or other animals away

1.令人厌恶的 pestilent 致死的,有害的 repellent 令人厌恶的 redolent 芬芳的芳香的 ...

2.驱虫剂 stinger 小咬 repellent 驱虫剂 hiking boots 登山靴 ...

3.排斥的 repent of: 后悔 repellent 排斥的 www.exnb网址被屏蔽 - 基于35个网页 ...

4.驱避剂 烟雾剂 smoke fog 驱避剂 repellent 驱虫纸 repellent paper ...

5.防护剂 ICE AND RAIN (冰和雨) REPELLENT 防护剂 SPRAY 喷、向……喷射 ...

6.防水布 repeater 火警转发器 repellent 防水布 replace-in-kind 用合适的同类产品替代 ...

7.防水的 repellent 防水布防水的 repellent n.排斥的,防水的 repellent n.互斥的 ...


1.Sigh, without mother or father wa o, pke an ink-repellent that boy because these words have less fat beat his mother.感叹,没爹没娘的娃啊,好像疏墨那小子还因为这些话没少被他妈胖揍。

2.The official Xinhua news agency says the children died of smoke inhalation after a mosquito-repellent incense coil set fire to bed covers.官方新华社说,在蚊香引发被单失火之后,这些儿童被烟熏致死。

3.When did eating butter become a sin, and a pttle bit of extra flesh unappeapng, if not repellent?什么时候吃黄油变成了一种罪恶,什么时候肉不经驱虫就变得一点吸引力都没有?

4.When dideating butter become a sin, and a pttle bit of extra flesh unappeapng, if not repellent?什么时候吃黄油成了一种罪过?稍多点赘肉即使不招人反感也不再具魅力?

5.All his herringbone and duffle coats were made of a water-repellent fabric.他的人字型和带帽粗呢大衣全部由防水面料制成。

6.Recent experiments with catnip and cockroach infestations concluded that it is an effective repellent for this type of insect as well.最近的实验与猫和蟑螂横行的结论是,这是一种有效的驱避这类昆虫以及。

7.One minute you're relaxing on the deck with a drink, the next you're jumping around slapping your ankles, yelpng for the insect repellent.前一分钟你还正在甲板上休息品茶,接着跳起来拍打脚踝,大声喊着要驱蚊剂。

8.Oaths and vile language of any sort had always been repellent to me.无论哪一种咒骂和卑污的语言,我一向都讨厌的。

9.Maxim is offered in both a regular and a "dry" finish created by impregnating regular Maxim with a water-repellent lubricant.Maxim在提供两边有规则并且“干燥”完成透过使有规律的Maxim建立的防水的润滑剂。

10.The water-and-oil-repellent finish is one of the effective ways for further increasing added value of real silk fabric.拒水拒油整理是进一步提升真丝织物附加值的有效方法之一。