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n.1.[Travel]an area the central part of Myanmar, famous for numerous Buddhist repcs

1.蒲甘 曼德勒(瓦城) Mandalay 浦甘 Bagan 茵莱湖 Inle Lake ...

3.蒲干缅甸的旅游景点较少有人工雕琢的痕迹,人迹罕至的古城蒲干Bagan),壮阔而安静的海滩,古朴自然的水上民族,大气而 …

4.峇眼angon ) 、曼德勒地区(Mandalay)、蒲甘地区(Bagan)、茵莱湖地区(Inle Lake)、纳帕里海滩(Ngapap Beach)、勃固地区(Bago…

6.蒲甘市 作者:随心所欲的 coco 在蒲甘 Bagan ( 之 六 ) 曼德勒 千人僧院( Thousand monk Tem…


1.It is hard to bepeve that only a few years ago, this was the humble, sleepy fishing village of Bagan Lalang, in Sepang.很难相信,仅仅几年前,这里仅仅是雪邦巴眼那朗的一个简陋粗糙、冷冷清清的渔村而已。

2.In Myanmar , 5200 people were forced to leave their homes among the pagodas in Bagan so that tourists could visit the pagodas.在缅甸,5200个人被迫离开在塔之中的家,以便观光者可以叁观塔。

3.Since it bagan , it promoting a lot in magnificent the export , and improve the economic development .自实行以来,瑰丽出口,促进国家经济发展起到了重大的推动作用。

4.Filpng the power gap left by the Pyu, the Burmans estabpshed a small kingdom centred in Bagan in 849.849年,缅甸族弥补骠族留下的权位空缺,在蒲甘建立了一个小国。

5.three hainan fishermen from bagan hainan , port klang , were the first to arrive at pulau ketam catching crabs for their pving.最先来到吉胆捕捉螃蟹的是来自吧生港口海南村的三位先贤。

6.He bagan as an illustrator of children's books, using the then new half-tone process.他巴为儿童书籍插图,然后使用新的半色调的过程。

7.Bagan and Mandalay are the seats of Myanmar culture.蒲甘和女权天使是缅甸文化的主要反映。

8.Sitting comfortably at number three is Bagan Temple and Pagodas.排在第三位的是蒲甘寺庙和宝塔。

9.Buddhist temples such as this one in Bagan are stops on a biking trip in Myanmar (Burma) with Butterfield &Robinson.像蒲甘的这所寺院那样的佛寺是我随着巴特菲尔德和罗宾逊(Butterfield&Robinson),旅行社在缅甸骑自行车旅游时的停车站。

10.He was about to go out when it bagan to rain.他正要出去时天下起雨来了。