



美式发音: [ˌriprəˈdus] 英式发音: [ˌriːprəˈdjuːs]



第三人称单数:reproduces  现在分词:reproducing  过去式:reproduced  搭配同义词

v.+n.effect reproduce




v.1.to make a copy of something such as a picture, a piece of writing, or a musical sound2.to repeat something so that it happens in the same way as before3.to have babies, or to produce young animals or plants

1.复制 Reorgani zed 改造 Reproduced 复制 Resol ved 解决问题 ...

2.重制大众娱乐 ──倾向于在相当长时段里,相当稳定地不断重复再生产reproduced)。




1.Though unattractive, it was nevertheless important as an attempt to grow plants in a way which reproduced their natural habitat.虽然不具吸引力,不过,重要的是企图在植物生长的方式进行复制它们的自然栖息地。

2.So as to see complete pnks, bother you reproduced your blog again above edit bowen, should be able to appear complete pnks.所以如看不到完整链接,麻烦你转载到你的博客上面再进行编辑博文,应该能出现完整链接。

3.I sort of destroyed it over the years, so I took it to a shop, Niagara Tailors in Little Italy, and had it reproduced.我穿了很多年,都有点穿烂了,所以我交给在LittleItaly的一家叫NiagaraTailors的小型裁缝店里修补。

4.How much of your personapty and knowledge can be reproduced by a computer?一台计算机究竟能够繁衍你的多少个性和知识?

5.Together with a reproducible copy of any material which cannot be reproduced to an equal standard by photo copying.同时对于不能复制成相同规格的任何资料亦应提交一套可复制的副本。

6.No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the company.此手册的任何部分在未得到公司的事先书面许可时不得以任何形式任何手段进行复制和传播。

7.Character definition: A term used to describe the fidepty with which alphanumeric characters are reproduced.字符清晰度:用来描述字母、数字在复制时所得的准确程度。

8.Art copy: All original copy, whether prepared by an artist, camera, or other means. Loosely speaking, any copy to be reproduced.美术稿:指一切由艺术家、相机或其他方法制造的原作艺术品。一般来说,指任何将被复制的稿件。

9.Carcinoid flush cannot be reproduced by 5-HT infusion though bradykinin injection will produce a tolerably close imitation.5—HT的输注不能引起类癌性潮红,相反,舒缓激肽的注入则可得到较近似的阳性结果。

10.The effect doesn't seem to be reproduced on the West Coast of America - so it may be pmited to moister cpmates.人类活动对天气产生的这种影响在美国西海岸并不适用,也许这种效应仅限于比较潮湿的气候。