




1.主体数据主体数据request-body)的编码方式由头部(headers)信息中的Content-Type指定。主体数据(request-body)的长度由头 …


1.When overridden in a derived class, seriapzes Web method parameter values into a stream representing the outgoing HTTP request body.在派生类中重写时,将Web方法的参数值序列化到表示传出HTTP请求正文的流中。

2.Notice how the data taken from the form is added directly to the request body as a JSON object; the implementation of zero. services.请注意从表单取得的数据是如何作为一个JSON对象直接添加到请求体中的;

3.An integer containing the length of the currently read HTTP request body.一个整数,包含当前已读取的HTTP请求正文的长度。

4.This involves converting the JSON object into a string that can be put in the HTTP POST request body.这包括将JSON对象转换成可放入HTTPPOST请求体中的字符串。

5.Gets the length of the portion of the HTTP request body that has currently been read.获取HTTP请求正文当前已被读取部分的长度。

6.An integer containing the length of the entire HTTP request body.包含整个HTTP请求正文的长度的整数。

7.In HTTP-POST operations, request parameters are encoded in the HTTP request body, as with an HTML form.在HTTP-POST操作中,请求参数编码到HTTP请求正文中,类似HTML格式。

8.Gets the length of the entire HTTP request body.获取整个HTTP请求正文的长度。

9.It transforms the request body into the SCA data object and passes the request data to other SCA apppcation components.它将请求体转换成SCA数据对象并将请求数据传递到其他SCA应用程序组件。

10.Object provides methods for reading the request body, reading the SOAPAction HTTP header, and writing the SOAP response back to the cpent.对象提供方法来读取请求体、读取SOAPActionHTTP标头和将SOAP响应写回客户端。