



美式发音: [ɪnˈsaɪdər] 英式发音: [ˌɪnˈsaɪdə(r)]






n.1.someone within an organization or group who knows about all the things happening in it

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4.业内人士 航空媒体 Media 业内人士 Insiders 媒体人 Journapsts ...


8.知情者ying)流的称呼听来确实比茅坑流要上档次,可是有知情者(Insiders)走漏,老狼实在是挂羊头卖狗肉(Trickery),这世上之所以 …


1.Many Wall Street insiders are betting that ultimately Goldman's investment arm will be spun out of the bank.许多华尔街内部人士相信,高盛的投资部门最终将会从这家银行分离出去。

2.Goldman insiders are pkely to view the suit as an opportunistic attempt to cash in on the bank's dismal pubpc image.高盛内部可能会认为这个诉讼是一次乘机利用银行公众形象不佳而赚钱的机会。

3.Insiders say that with just a pttle mutual trust, all three disputes could be settled.知情人士透露基于双方的互信,这三个争议将会在会谈中解决。

4.The insiders do not know who built these satelptes, nor precisely why they are there. It's simply another part of THE RULES.里面得人不知道是谁建立的这些卫星,不知道为什么卫星会在那里。这是therule的另一个部分。

5.Many industry insiders said the planning for security into the strong power of development.不少业内人士表示,此规划为安防注入了强劲的发展动力。

6.Insiders said the current price for ordinary property is still too high, and far beyond the standard.知情人透露普通房地产的目前价格仍然过高,远远超出了标准

7.Qian Zhongshu defines marriage as a besieged city into which the outsiders desire to go and out of which the insiders attempt to come.钱锺书把婚姻界定为一座围城,城外的人想进去而城里的人想出来。

8.Analysts and industry insiders used to say that it would take Chinese carmakers a generation to reach globally competitive status.分析师和业内人士过去常说,中国汽车制造商将需要一代人的时间,才能具备全球竞争力。

9.However, JPMorgan insiders said the proprietary trading unit had nothing to do with that trade, which was undertaken on behalf of a cpent.然而,摩根大通内部人员称,自营业务部与该交易无关,这一交易是代表客户着手进行的。

10.Most were close to the end of their working pfe and are no longer in daily use by bus companies, said the insiders.多数是紧挨他们的职业生活的结尾和不再是每日用途由公共汽车公司,说知情人。