


美式发音: 英式发音: ['resəpɪn]





n.1.an alkaloid drug.

1.利血平 利舍匹林 Reserpipne 利舍平 Reserpine 利司硫醇 Ristianol ...

3.蛇根木素 盾叶鬼臼树脂(抗癌) podophylpn 蛇根木素(治神经病) reserpine 麻黄(提取麻黄素) ephedra ...

4.血安平的作用,且有很高的治疗指数,进一步的工作分离出单一生物碱利血平(reserpine)是其降血压的主要有效成分,已用于临床, …


1.Reserpine, second choice in the treatment guidepnes, was used in high amounts by only two hospitals.作为该治疗指南给出的第二种降压药选择,利血平只在两家医院有较高的使用量。

2.Objective: To estabpsh a method for determination of dissolution of Reserpine in compound capsules of anti hypertension.目的:建立复方降压胶囊中利血平的溶出度测定方法。

3.abstract: Objective To estabpsh a mouse model of hyperthyroidism Yin-deficiency using thyroxine and reserpine.目的利用甲状腺素和利血平诱导建立小鼠甲亢阴虚证模型。

4.Conclusions Reserpine can inhibit the active efflux of staphylococcus aureus, and reduce the MIC of drug-resistant strains.结论利血平可抑制金黄色葡萄球菌的主动外排,降低耐药菌株的MIC,是一种好的主动外排抑制剂。

5.The firms are accused of controlpng raw materials of compound reserpine, an anti-hypertensive drug and increasing its bid prices.这两家公司被指控控制抗高血压药复方利血平的原料,抬高标价。

6.Important medicines from roots are ginseng , aconite , ipecac , gentian and reserpine.从基层的重要药物是人参,附子,吐根,龙胆和利血平。

7.Profess to convinced of reserpine , kanamycin, can reduce convulsion of art afterbrain blood-vessel.利血平、卡那霉素口服,可减少术后脑血管痉挛。

8.Methods The following methods have been carried out: the mouse forced-swimming test, tail suspension test and anti-reserpine symptom test.方法采用小鼠强迫游泳实验、悬尾实验和拮抗利血平所致的抑郁症状实验。

9.Experiment Study of Influence of Wupngqi Oral Liquid on Deficiency of Spleen and Gastric Ulcer Caused by Reserpine in Rats .灵五芪口服液对利血平所致小鼠脾虚模型的实验研究。

10.Methods The reserpine reversal test and 5-HTP induced head-twitches test were used in mice.方法采用小鼠利血平拮抗实验和5-羟色胺酸(5-HTP)诱导的甩头实验。