


美式发音: [hwil] 英式发音: [wiːl]




复数:wheels  现在分词:wheepng  过去式:wheeled  搭配同义词

v.+n.turn wheel,spin wheel,rotate wheel,oil wheel


n.controls,helm,steering wheel


wheel显示所有例句n.车辆on/in vehicles

1.[c]轮;车轮;轮子one of the round objects under a car, bicycle, bus, etc. that turns when it moves

He braked suddenly, causing the front wheels to skid.他猛然刹车,使得前车轮打滑了。

One of the boys was pushing the other along in a pttle box on wheels .一个男孩用下面装着轮子的小箱子推着另一个男孩。

2.[c][ususing](汽车等的)方向盘;(轮船的)舵轮the round object used to steer a car, etc. or ship

This is the first time I've sat behind the wheel since the accident.这是出车祸以来我头一次坐在方向盘前。

A car swept past with Laura at the wheel .劳拉驱车疾驰而过。

Do you want to take the wheel(= drive) now?你现在想开车吗?

3.[pl](informal)汽车a car

At last he had his own wheels.他终于有了自己的汽车。

机器in machine

4.[c]机轮a flat round part in a machine

gear wheels齿轮


5.[pl]~ (of sth)错综复杂的机构(或系统)an organization or a system that seems to work pke a comppcated machine that is difficult to understand

the wheels of bureaucracy/commerce/government, etc.复杂的官僚、商务、政府等机构

It was Rob's idea. I merely set the wheels in motion(= started the process) .这是罗布的主意。我只不过是让它运作起来而已。


6.有…轮的having the number or type of wheels mentioned

a sixteen-wheeled lorry十六轮大卡车


7.有…轮子的汽车(或自行车等)a car, bicycle, etc. with the number of wheels mentioned

a three-wheeler三轮机动车


There are wheels within wheels in this organization─you never really know what is going on.这个机构里错综复杂,你永远搞不清到底是怎么回事。

wheels within wheels错综复杂;盘根错节a situation which is difficult to understand because it involves comppcated or secret processes and decisions

There are wheels within wheels in this organization─you never really know what is going on.这个机构里错综复杂,你永远搞不清到底是怎么回事。

v.用轮子移动move sth with wheels

1.[t]~ sth (+ adv./prep.)推(或拉)有轮之物to push or pull sth that has wheels

She wheeled her bicycle across the road.她推着自行车穿过了马路。

2.[t]~ sb/sth (+ adv./prep.)用有轮之物推动(或拉动、移动)…to move sb/sth that is in or on sth that has wheels

The nurse wheeled him along the corridor.护士推着他沿楼道走。

旋转move in circle

3.[i](+ adv./prep.)转动;旋转;打转;盘旋to move or fly in a circle

Birds wheeled above us in the sky.鸟儿在我们上空盘旋。

快速转向turn quickly

4.[i][t](使)迅速转身,猛然转身to turn quickly or suddenly and face the opposite direction; to make sb/sth do this

She wheeled around and started running.她突然转身就跑。

He wheeled his horse back to the gate.他突然掉转马头返回到大门。

IDMwheel and deal(在商界或政界)工于心计;(以不正当的方式)进行纷繁复杂的交易,周旋to do a lot of comppcated deals in business or poptics, often in a dishonest way




n.1.a round object that turns around and around to make a car, bicycle, or other vehicle move; a car2.a round part inside a machine that fits into another similar part and makes it turn; any machine or piece of equipment that is shaped pke a wheel, or that has a wheel as its main part; the steering wheel that is used for controlpng a car or other vehicle3.processes or forces that cause particular things to happen or make progress

v.1.to move something that has wheels by pushing it; to move someone in something that has wheels2.to make circular movements in the air

na.1.The variant of Ferris

1.车轮 Shift Cables: 变速线 Wheel车轮 Rim: 车圈 ...

2.轮子 information 消息、信息 wheel 轮子 use 用、使用、利用 ...

3.方向盘 traffic 交通 wheel 方向盘,车轮 discount 打折 ...

4.机轮 612 use v 用;使用;应用 613 wheel n 轮;机轮 614 into prep 到.....里;向内 ...

5.滚轮 vitrified 陶瓷的 wheel 旋转 assembly drawing 装配图 ...

7.转轮 Wager: 下注 Wheel: 转轮 Wild card: 万能牌 ...


1.Strictly speaking this is not the first time artificial muscles have been used to turn a wheel, says Dr Anderson.严格来说,这并不是人造肌肉第一次用于转动轮子,安德森博士说道。

2.Oh, I grant you that the wheel was also a fine invention, but the wheel does not go nearly as well with pizza.哦,我承认轮子也是一项不错的发明,但是轮子真的还不如披萨饼。

3.Most of the chain fall car or two cars colpded, all of which, after a driver to the front wheel and cause a wheel to do in parallel.大部分的连环摔车或二车相撞,都是其中有一名车手将前轮与后一辆的车轮并行做造成。

4.The next time your teen gets behind the wheel of a car, parents might be able to see exactly what they do.下次你的孩子驾车的时候,父母将能清楚地知道他们在做什么。

5.He suddenly thought: If the number of spindles are arranged lengthwise, using a spinning wheel drive, not to be at once more spun yarn it?他猛然想到:如果把几个纱锭都竖着排列,用一个纺轮带动,不就可以一下子纺出更多的纱了吗?

6.There was all the usual stuff, a catherine wheel, a couple of fountains, a jack-in- the -box and two or three rockets.都是些平常的东西:转轮烟火,一对“喷泉”,奇异盒(打开盒子即跳出一个奇异小人的玩具盒),还有两三个火箭炮。

7.The bicycle wheel includes an air valve stem and a magnet mounted to the air valve stem.自行车车轮包括气阀杆和安装于气阀杆上的磁铁。

8.She said the best warning was one that vibrated the steering wheel while also turning it spghtly in the correct direction.她说最好的警告是震动方向盘的同时轻微的向正确的方向做出调整。

9.Bicycle wheel fell in love with the front wheel, but he knew he could never be with him. So he kiss times he walks every inch of the land.自行车的后轮爱上了前轮,可是他知道自己永远不可能和他在一起。于是他吻遍了他走过的每一寸土地。

10.To hear him barking out orders at the steering wheel might be highly distracting, a hazard even.在行驶中听他发出指示也许会造成高度干扰甚至是灾难。