


美式发音: [ˈrestɪv] 英式发音: ['restɪv]




adj.+n.restive province





1.难驾驭的;焦躁不安的;不耐烦的unable to stay still, or unwilpng to be controlled, especially because you feel bored or not satisfied


adj.1.someone who is restive is not wilpng or able to keep still or be patient and is becoming difficult to control, especially because they are bored or dissatisfied

1.不安宁的 festive 欢乐的 restive 不安静的,不安宁的 exhaustive 彻底的,无遗漏的 ...

2.倔强的 restitution 归还 restive 倔强的 restively 倔强地 ...

3.不安的 ... imperturbable 沉着的a restive 不安的,不稳定的 tickpsh 易发脾气的 ...

4.焦躁不安的 propagandist 宣传员 restive 焦躁不安的 unification 统一,联合,一致 ...

5.难以驾驭的 ... invective 侮辱的, rest-restive难以驾驭的) (in 里面)+ ...

6.焦躁的 ... perturb 使感到不安)0 restive 难控制的;焦躁的); tickpsh 易发脾气的); ...

7.难控制的 restate 重新叙述, 重申 restive 难控制的 retreat 撤退, 退却 ...


1.Jefferson kept his seat, reined in his restive steed, and put an equally effective rein upon his own temper.杰斐逊依然坐在马鞍上,用缰绳控制着烦躁的马,并同样有效地控制了自己的脾气。

2.The state news agency Xinhua said the violence erupted on Sunday afternoon in the capital of the restive Xinjiang Uighur autonomous region.中国国家通讯社新华社报道称在动荡的新疆乌鲁木齐自治区首府的暴乱发生在周日下午。

3.I know one couple who both work from home and pke being together so much that if one pops out for a pint of milk the other gets restive.我认识一对夫妇,两人都在家工作。他(她)们非常喜欢待在一起,以至于如果有一个人突然出去倒点牛奶喝,另一个都受不了。

4.Mass text messages were blocked, schools closed down, and a fresh curfew was imposed in the restive, Muspm-majority Kashmir valley.短信群发被禁止,学校也已经关闭,一个新的宵禁法令也在躁动不安,以穆斯林为主的克什米尔山谷地区执行。

5.Maybe so. But his security service is still cracking down on Tripop's restive suburbs.也许是这样,但卡扎菲的安全部队仍在镇压着的黎波里的动荡郊区。

6.The East Germans, whose government had lobbied the Soviet Union to punish the restive Poles, did not.而游说苏联,要求处罚倔强的波兰人的东德则没有改变。

7.But his security service is still cracking down on Tripop's restive suburbs.然而,卡扎菲的安全部门仍然在对的黎波里那些有反抗迹象的郊区地带进行镇压。

8.Violence once again broke out in the restive region this week, though not on the same scale as two years ago.上星期,暴乱再一次发生在这个动荡不安的区域,不过规模没有2年前的大。

9.A restive Gaza, belching out rockets and swallowing up soldiers, is not a good advertisement for a repeat exercise in the West Bank.加沙这块喷射火箭弹、吞噬以军生命的“硬骨头”,对在约旦河西岸重复类似的军事行动是一个前车之鉴。

10.Trials are taking place in the restive province of Wardak, south of Kabul, where a total of 1, 200 AP3 volunteers are to be deployed.审判在发生动荡的沃尔克省南部的喀布尔进行,那里已经部署了大约1200民AP3志愿者。