


美式发音: [ˈmænˌhʌnt] 英式发音: ['mæn.hʌnt]






1.(对罪犯或逃犯的)搜捕,追捕an organized search by a lot of people for a criminal or a prisoner who has escaped


n.1.a search organized to catch someone who is bepeved to have committed a crime, or a prisoner who has escaped

1.侠盗猎魔 mail fraud : 邮政诈骗 manhunt追捕 mass murderer : 谋杀多人的凶手 ...

3.搜捕 Up The Long Ladder 更上一层 Manhunt 搜捕 The Emissary 使者 ...

4.搜索 imppcit adj. 暗示的;盲从的;含蓄的 manhunt n. 追捕,搜捕;搜索 bandit n. 强盗,土匪;恶棍;敲诈者 ...

5.玉女求凰 玉女春情 A pretty girl's love affair 玉女求凰 Manhunt 失踪少女 The lost girl ...

6.追捕,搜捕 imppcit adj. 暗示的;盲从的;含蓄的 manhunt n. 追捕,搜捕;搜索 bandit n. 强盗,土匪;恶棍;敲诈者 ...

7.大追捕 ... 目击者 See No Evil 大追捕 Manhunt 迈阿密夜未眠 Sleepless in Miami ...

8.追捕行动 pght 清淡的 manhunt 搜捕;追捕行动 book 预订;预约 ...


1.Despite an intensive US-led manhunt, there has not been a credible lead on the Saudi-born al-Qaida leader in years.尽管以美国为首的搜捕行动在加强,但多年来还没有得到一条导致抓获这个出生于沙特的基地组织首领的可靠情报。

2.Manhunt is a New York Times Bestseller and is now to be adapted into a forthcoming film starring Harrison Ford.《追捕》是《纽约时报》上的畅销书,即将被改编成一部由哈里森•福特担纲主演的电影。

3.manhunt Began. The next morning Kemp received a note which announced that the reign of terror had Begun; one person would be executed daily.第二天上午,肯普收到了一个便条,便条上写着恐怖时期已经开始,每天要处死一个人。

4.As he drove back toward Wakefield, he learned that the Dixon County sheriff's department had begun a manhunt for him.他杀了劳娜开车回威克费尔德时,便得知狄克逊县警察局已在追捕他了。

5.But he's also the guy who survived an anti-matter explosion at the Vatican and a Paris manhunt and uncovered the truth about the Holy Grail.但同时,他又是梵蒂冈反物质大爆炸以及巴黎大搜捕中的幸存者,并且揭开了关于圣杯的真相。

6.A massive manhunt for the missing men has severely taxed miptary resources and morale at a time when the U.对这三位失踪人员的搜求占用了大量的军事资源,消耗大量士气。

7.The manhunt for the gunman who opened fire on a group of swimmers at the Wisconsin-Michigan border has ended with the arrest of a suspect.对在威斯康星州和密歇根州边界开枪袭击游泳者的歹徒的搜捕工作终于结束,该犯罪嫌疑人已被逮捕。

8.It turns out she was bringing food to two dangerous fugitives, the subjects of a nationwide manhunt.事实也证明了:她是给两个全国通缉的,危险的逃犯在送吃的。

9.Combine to have the mighty help document, can according to key word to help the document proceeds the manhunt.并具备强大的帮助文件,可以按照关键字对帮助文件进行搜索。

10.Mr. Wesa, the Kandahar provincial governor, said a manhunt was on and that 26 escapees had been captured by late afternoon.坎大哈省省长维萨先生说,搜捕行动已经展开,已经有26名逃犯与傍晚时分被抓获。