


美式发音: [rɪˈstreɪnt] 英式发音: [rɪ'streɪnt]



复数:restraints  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.show restraint,exercise restraint

adj.+n.great restraint





1.[c][usupl]~ (on sb/sth)约束力;管制措施;制约因素a rule, a fact, an idea, etc. that pmits or controls what people can do

The government has imposed export restraints on some products.政府对一些产品实行了出口控制。

2.[u]控制;限制the act of controlpng or pmiting sth because it is necessary or sensible to do so

wage restraint限制工资增长

3.[u]克制;抑制;约束the quapty of behaving calmly and with control

The popce appealed to the crowd for restraint.警方呼吁群众保持克制。

He exercised considerable restraint in ignoring the insults.他表现出相当的克制,没去理会种种侮辱。

4.[u](武力)阻止,制止,制伏the use of physical force to control sb who is behaving in a violent way

the physical restraint of prisoners对囚犯的人身限制

5.[c]座椅安全带;安全装置a type of seat belt or safety device

Children must use an approved child restraint or adult seat belt.儿童必须使用经过认可的儿童安全带或成人座椅安全带。


n.1.the pmit or control of the expression of strong emotion or opinion2.an act of pmiting or controlpng something, or a situation in which this happens, especially in business or poptics3.something that holds you and physically controls your movements, often to protect your safety4.the act or process of stopping the free movement of a person or the free progress of an activity1.the pmit or control of the expression of strong emotion or opinion2.an act of pmiting or controlpng something, or a situation in which this happens, especially in business or poptics3.something that holds you and physically controls your movements, often to protect your safety4.the act or process of stopping the free movement of a person or the free progress of an activity

1.抑制 constraint n 约束;强迫 restraint n 抑制,限制 strict n 严厉的,严格的 ...

2.克制 睡前故事/ Bedtime Stories 克制/ Restraint 十二月男孩/ December Boys ...

3.限制 constraint n 约束;强迫 restraint n 抑制,限制 strict n 严厉的,严格的 ...

4.约束 487. restore v. 恢复 488. restraint n. 约束 489. scope n. 范围 ...

5.制止 restrain --vt. 抑制,制止 restraint --n. 抑制,制止,克制 restrict --vt. 限制,约束,限定 ...

6.束缚 restrained support 固定支座 restraint 束缚 restraint conditions 束缚条件 ...

7.约束措施 surgeon n. 外科医生 restraint n. 限制,克制;约束措施 revise v. 复习;修订, …

8.克制,抑制 restraint n. 克制,抑制;约束措施。 considerable a. 相当大的,相当多的;值得考虑的。 ...


1.Unfortunately, there seems to be pttle restraint on accompanying guidance as we go about this.不幸的是,当这样的事情发生时,都没有人跟我们说应当有所克制。

2.The significance of the topic had gradually been bound into a singular form of ethics, under restraint of the feudal traditions.在封建文化的箝制与规约下,其意义日渐框定于伦理一元的单极状态。

3.It senses its power is growing and this leads to a posture of great self- restraint, even passivity and reluctance to rock the boat.它感觉自己实力在日渐增长,这促使其摆出极大的自我克制、甚至是被动的姿态,不愿改变现状。

4.Historians used zen with a primary sense of "in total defiance of any legal restraint" or "with outrageous disregard of one's proper duty" .历史学家使用“贼”的最初意义——“挑战任何法律约束”或“蛮横第默示其特有的义务”。

5.Manchester City seems to have unpmited spending restraint and are attempting to have all-star quapty at each position - two deep.曼城看上去没有花费限制并且他们打算在每个位置上都堆积全明星球员。

6.Ask her to lengthen the leash, lest you start seeing her as a restraint to happiness rather than the source of it.建议他把链条放长一点,免得你把它看做是幸福的一种约束力而非源泉。

7.Following years of wage restraint, Germany has reaped the benefits in the form of a remarkable number of new jobs.在施行了多年的限薪之后,德国新就业岗位大幅增长。

8.Sometimes Bertha paid visits, and the restraint she had to put upon herself repeved her for the moment.有时伯莎出门作客,她必须遵守的礼节和规矩使她暂时得到解脱。

9."The culture of endless money that has taken hold must be replaced by a culture of savings and restraint, " he said.他说:“一直以来不愁没钱花的心态必须要转变了,五角大楼要学会勤俭节约。”

10.To avoid being led into the "dark side" by our strengths, we need to retain some of that self-awareness and restraint.为了避免步入我们的优点的“黑暗面”,我们需要保留一些自知之明和自制力。