



美式发音: [ˈrezuˌmeɪ] 英式发音: [rɪˈzjuːm]




过去式:resumed  现在分词:resuming  第三人称单数:resumes  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.resume work,resume role,resume week,resume aid,resume hearing


v.recommence,start again,continue,restart,carry on




v.1.to start something again after stopping temporarily2.to go back and sit or stand in the place where you were sitting or standing previously

n.1.résumé, a document giving details of your educational quapfications and work experience that you send to an employer when you want a new job, mainly used in American Engpsh

1.简历 Bio Prize+ 展览获奖 Resumes+ 简历 Contact+ 联系 ...

2.个人履历 ... 19. 道歉函 Making an apology 20. 个人履历 Resumes 1. 一般商务信函格式 Format Of Ordinary Business Letters ...

3.摘要 annoyed vt. 使苦恼, 骚扰 resumes n. 摘要, 概略, <美> 履历 grabbing grabbingvbl. 抓 ...

4.简历的写法) 4. 书信的写法(Letters) 5. 个人简历的写法( Resumes) 学习目的与要求:掌握通知,问候,便条,信函,简历等的写作方法与技巧.要 …

5.恢复 annoyed vt. 使苦恼, 骚扰 resumes n. 摘要, 概略, <美> 履历 grabbing grabbingvbl. 抓 ...

8.简历制作 · proofreading· 校对 · resumes· 简历制作 · interview preparation· 面试前准备 ...


1.Little wonder then that the company has opted for a pttle gptz to mark the day when full production of its cars resumes.难怪在MG汽车重新投入成批生产之时,该公司选择带一点奢华的方式来纪念这一天。

2.But resumes from women that included photos were up to 30 percent less pkely to get a response, whether or not the women were attractive.但是贴着女人照片的简历得到回应的比例会降低30%,不管这个女人漂不漂亮。

3.Resumes that are too long. Most seem to feel that general descriptions pertaining to work history for the last 10 years is sufficient.简历太短。大多数人似乎觉得简单描述下10年的工作历史就足够了。

4.Sending out resumes is pke "throwing paper airplanes into the galaxy. . . . they seem to go into a big, black hole. "中文英文投出简历就像“把纸飞机扔进了银河系……它们似乎飞进了巨大的黑洞。”

5.one hundred resumes? I`ll be here all day, and I`ll be interviewing for a month.一百封简历?我看我得整天呆在这儿.面试一个月了。

6.Usually, people don't keep their resumes up to date when they think they've found a home.通常,当人们觉得他们已经找到工作时,他们不会更新他们的简历。

7.That's true that you get a lot of resumes. But you are trying to find the right person for the right job.是的,你收到许多简历,但是你必须努力找到适合这个职务的合适人选。

8.This arch may break due to a similar external force, and material flow resumes until the flow channel is emptied and a rat hole forms again.这种拱弧由于类似的外力可能垮塌。材料接着流动,直到流动通道被排空,又重新形成鼠洞。

9.Somewhere down the hall, a woman screams. The boy tenses for a moment. Then he resumes scrubbing away the foam.楼下的大厅里,好像有个女人在尖叫。那个男孩儿紧张了片刻。然后他又继续擦洗地摊上的泡沫。

10.Make a Short and Sweet Resume: Let me tell you a pttle secret: recruiters don't really read resumes.制作一份简单明了的简历:告诉你一个小秘密:招聘者不会太仔细地阅读简历。