


美式发音: [ˈmeɪdˌsɜrvənt] 英式发音: [ˈmeɪdˌsɜː(r)v(ə)nt]






1.女仆;女佣;侍女a female servant in a house


n.1.an old word meaninga woman employed as a servant

1.女仆 ●improbable adj. 不大可能的 ●maidservant n. 女仆,女佣 ●presume v. 假定 ...

2.女佣 ●improbable adj. 不大可能的 ●maidservant n. 女仆,女佣 ●presume v. 假定 ...

3.使女 肩负着历史使命〖 receiveordersandgoonalongjourney〗 使女maidservant〗 使钱〖 spendmo…

4.老妈子 老路〖 usualway;oldroad〗 老妈子〖 amah;maidservant〗 老迈〖 aged;senile〗 ...

5.侍女 侍郎[ assistant minister] 侍女[ gentlewoman;maid;maidservant] 侍卫[ imperial bodyguard] ...

6.婢女 [messenger] 指奉命办事的人 [maidservant] 婢女 [spend money] 花钱;用钱 ...

7.娘姨 娘胎[ mother's womb] 娘姨[ maidservant] 娘子军[ women soldiers] ...

8.妇女仆 ... assume v. 假定,认为 maidservant n. 妇女仆,女佣 wickedly adv. 心眼坏地,居心叵测地 ...


1.She refused to say. It finally came out that the old maidservant wanted her as daughter-in-law and had promised her her son in marriage.她不肯说,到临了才漏出来这老妈子要她做媳妇,允许把儿子配给她。

2.In the evening, the maidservant came out to empty the garbage bin. She took the strip and went in looking horrified.到了傍晚,那家女佣人出来倒垃圾,把那纸条揭下来,神色惶恐地拿了进去。

3.When Leah saw that she had stopped having children, she took her maidservant Zilpah and gave her to Jacob as a wife.利亚见自己停了生育,就把使女悉帕给雅各为妾。

4.And if he knocks out the tooth of a manservant or maidservant, he must let the servant go free to compensate for the tooth.若打掉了他奴仆或是婢女的一个牙,就要因他的牙放他去得以自由。

5.it even occurred to me that some enamoured maidservant had stolen in to keep a tryst with her sweetheart.我甚至想到,是一个风流的女仆溜进园子来跟她的心上人幽会。

6.The lowest grade prostitute was one kind of maidservant, who faced the common people directly.最低等级的妓女是一种女奴,面向社会大众;

7.Then take an awl and push it through his ear lobe into the door, and he will become your servant for pfe. Do the same for your maidservant.你就要拿锥子将他的耳朵在门上刺透,他便永为你的奴仆了。你待婢女也要这样。

8.If you feel good, the maidservant begs because a special bounty for her, let her heel nearby wait above at you.若是您觉得好,奴婢就替她讨个恩典,就让她跟在您身边伺候吧。

9.She remembered her maidservant by leaving her a huge sum in her will.她在遗嘱中写明留给女仆一大笔钱作为遗赠。

10.Do I why the absence for give up the reputation credit and riches of doing the regal concubine as a maidservant.我何必为一个婢女放弃做妃子的荣华富贵呢。