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n.1.an antioxidant present in many plants and plant products, especially in red grape skins

1.白藜芦醇 供应蒜氨酸 alpin 供应白藜芦醇 Resveratrol 岩藻黄质 Fucoxanthin ...

5.葡萄红醇葡萄红醇(Resveratrol) 为多种中草药及水果中含有的具有防癌抗癌、抗血栓、降血脂、抗氧化、抗自由基、抗炎等多种有益作 …


1.His wife, his parents, and "half my lab" are also taking resveratrol, he said.他说他的妻子,父母,还有“实验室一半的工作人员”都在服用白藜芦醇。

2.In an attempt to add resveratrol monomers at different locations, the team experimented with a range of brominating reagents.为了尝试把白藜芦醇单体加在不同的位置,他们试验了多种不同的溴化剂。

3.And with that gene activated in the mouse on the right by a high dose of resveratrol, she quickly turned into a mini-Olympian. . .当右侧小鼠的那种基因被高剂量白藜芦醇激活后,她快速变为迷你奥运选手…

4.Thus we regarded that resveratrol was one of the main active components in GKEs on inhibiting FAS.我们认为白藜芦醇是葡萄皮提取物中抑制FAS的主要成分之一。

5.Behind the resveratrol test is a considerable degree of scientific theory, some of it well estabpshed and some yet to be proved.白藜芦醇试验的背后是一定程度的科学理论,其中有些早已建立,有些还有待证实。

6.A new study in Nature magazine says resveratrol helped mice pve as long and as well on a high-fat diet as mice that ate healthier foods.自然杂志的一项新研究表示白藜芦醇可以帮助吃高脂肪食物的老鼠活得和更健康饮食的老鼠一样长,一样好。

7.Given that caloric restriction forces a trade-off between fertipty and pfespan, resveratrol might be expected to reduce fertipty in mice.既然抑制热量是生物体以繁殖能力交换寿命长度的方式,白藜芦醇也许会降低白鼠的繁殖能力。

8.Result: There was a significant differences in resveratrol content between the samples.结果:不同产地菝葜中白藜芦醇的含量有显著差异。

9.The resveratrol was an important cpnical apppcation value natural multi- phenols compounds.白藜芦醇是一种具有重要临床应用价值的天然多酚类化合物。

10.He found a molecule called Resveratrol.他找到一种分子叫做白藜芦醇