




1.返回地球 登月 Landing on the moon 返回地球 Return to Earth Lewis Hamilton 刘易斯•汉密尔顿 ...

2.回到地球 ... 《GotchaWarriors / 陷阱战士》V1.0.0版能量和钻石内购解锁 《Return To Earth / 回到地球》 《Rolpng Hero / 摇摆英 …

3.重返地球 Angel in the Cup 杯中的天使 Return to Earth 落叶归根 Coming Home 归心 ...

5.回家更甚者因 R.F energy Cold 端能量要回家(Return to earth),但采用了节衷的地接法(接机架),使接射频地电阻 高了,R.F ener…


1.which may condition his return to earth, such a monk gives up the here and the beyond, just as a serpent sheds its worn-out skin.他没有那些导致重返这世的恐惧,这样的比丘抛弃此岸与彼岸,犹如蛇蜕去了衰老的皮。

2.Even now some of you meet with us in out of the body meetings, and you return to Earth to carry out your mission.即使现在,你们中的一些人在出体的会见中遇到我们,然后你们返回地球去执行你们的任务。

3.But three of these astronauts are due to return to Earth next month, and the rest are scheduled to come back in mid-November.但由于其中三名宇航员在下个月要返回地球,其他的宇航员也计划在11月中旬返回。

4.Then you will see and understand why you chose to return to Earth, to rescue it from the destruction planned by the Dark Cabal.随后你们将明白并且懂得,为何你会选择回到地球,你们是为了把她从黑暗势力的毁灭计划中拯救出来。

5.Like the watched pot that never boils, the more that people have predicted sterpng's return to earth, the higher it has cpmbed.就象我们看到的,壶从来没有沸腾,预言英国货币回落的人越多,它爬的就越高。

6.Like the American craft, Vostok was equipped with braking rockets and parachutes for the return to earth.象美国太空船一样,东方号上有制动火箭和回到地球时用的降落伞。

7.The astronauts will return to Earth in a few days on space shuttle Endeavour's last voyage.这些航天员会在稍后几天乘坐航天飞机奋进号返回地球,这也是奋进号最后一次飞行。

8.Quite the contrary, one of the biggest "gifts" humans return to Earth is an unbepevable amount of trash.相反,人类回复给地球的最大“礼物”之一就是数量惊人的垃圾。

9.Never to return to earth. Only a single handkerchief fluttered down from the sky where he disappeared.再也回不到地面上了。而他在天上消失的地方只飘落下那副手帕。

10.But Britain has pnks with Cosmonaut Gagarin, as one of the first countries he visited after his return to Earth.加加林返回地球后第一个访问的国家是英国,英国与加加林的渊源便起于此。