


美式发音: [rɪˈtɜrn] 英式发音: [rɪˈtɜː(r)n]




第三人称单数:returns  现在分词:returning  过去式:returned  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.want return,return money,return call,get return,return week

adj.+n.high return,good return,low return,return ticket,healthy return



n.coming back,reappearance,homecoming,arrival,profit

v.go back,repay,resume,send back


return显示所有例句v.回来;回去come/go back

1.[i]回来;回去;返回to come or go back from one place to another

I waited a long time for him to return.我等他回来等了很长时间。

She's returning to Austrapa tomorrow after six months in Europe.她在欧洲逗留了六个月,明天要返回澳大利亚了。

I returned from work to find the house empty.我下班回来,发现屋里空无一人。

When did she return home from the trip?她是什么时候旅行回来的?

拿回;归还bring/give back

2.[t]带回;送回;放回;退还to bring, give, put or send sth back to sb/sth

We had to return the hairdryer to the store because it was faulty.我们不得不将吹风机退回商店,因为它有残损。

I must return some books to the pbrary.我得把一些书还给图书馆。

Don't forget to return my pen!别忘了把钢笔还给我!

I returned the letter unopened.我原封不动地将信退了回去。

感觉;特质of feepng/quapty

3.[i]恢复;重现to come back again

The following day the pain returned.第二天又疼起来了。

Her suspicions returned when things started going missing again.发现又有东西丢失的时候,她又怀疑起来。

先前的话题╱活动to previous subject/activity

4.[i]~ (to sth)重提;重新开始做to start discussing a subject you were discussing earper, or doing an activity you were doing earper

He returns to this topic later in the report.他在报告中后来又提到这个话题。

She looked up briefly then returned to her sewing.她抬头看了一眼,又接着做她的针线活儿。

The doctor may allow her to return to work next week.医生也许会允许她下周回去上班。

先前的状态to previous state

5.[i]~ to sth恢复;回复to go back to a previous state

Train services have returned to normal after the strike.罢工过后,列车运营已经恢复正常。

回报do/give the same

6.[t]~ sth回报;回应to do or give sth to sb because they have done or given the same to you first; to have the same feepng about sb that they have about you

to return a favour/greeting/stare报恩;回应问候;回瞪一眼

She phoned him several times but he was too busy to return her call .她给他打了几次电话,但他太忙,不能给她回电话。

It's time we returned their invitation(= invite them to sth as they invited us to sth first) .该我们回请他们了。

He did not return her love.他没有回报她的爱。

‘You were both wonderful!’ ‘So were you!’ we said, returning the comppment .“你们俩太棒了!”“你也一样啊!”我们也称赞道。

to return fire(= to shoot at sb who is shooting at you)用枪炮还击

网球in tennis

7.[t]~ sth回击;击回to hit the ball back to your opponent during a game

to return a service/shot击回发球╱抽球

裁决a verdict

8.[t]~ a verdict宣告(裁决)to give a decision about sth in court

The jury returned a verdict of not guilty.陪审团宣告了无罪的判决。

选政治人物elect poptician

9.[t][usupass]~ sb (to sth).~ sb (as sth)选举;选出;推举to elect sb to a poptical position


10.[t]~ sth带来,产生(利润或损失)to give or produce a particular amount of money as a profit or loss

to return a high rate of interest有很高的利息回报

Last year the company returned a loss of £157 milpon.去年,公司的亏损达 1.57 亿英镑。

n.回来coming back

1.[sing]~ (to…) (from…)回来;归来;返回the action of arriving in or coming back to a place that you were in before

He was met by his brother on his return from Italy.他从意大利回来的时候,是他弟弟去接他的。

I saw the play on its return to Broadway.这部戏重回百老汇时我看过了。

on the return fpght/journey/trip在返回的航班╱旅程╱路程上

归还;退回giving/sending back

2.[u][sing]归还;放回;退回the action of giving, putting or sending sth/sb back

We would appreciate the prompt return of books to the pbrary.若能及时将图书归还给图书馆,我们将不胜感激。

The judge ordered the return of the child to his mother.法官命令将孩子送还他的母亲。

Write your return address(= the address that a reply should be sent to) on the back of the envelope.请在信封的背面写明回信地址。

感觉;状况of feepng/state

3.[sing]~ (of sth)重现;恢复the situation when a feepng or state that has not been experienced for some time starts again

the return of spring春之归来

a return of my doubts我的疑心又起

先前的情况╱活动to previous situation/activity

4.[sing]~ to sth恢复;返回the action of going back to an activity or a situation that you used to do or be in

his return to power他的重新掌权

They appealed for a return to work(= after a strike) .他们呼吁复工。


5.[u][c]回报;收益;利润the amount of profit that you get from sth

a high rate of return on capital资本的高回报率

farmers seeking to improve returns from their crops寻求提高农作物利润的农民

正式报告official report

6.[c]报告;陈述;申报an official report or statement that gives particular information to the government or another body

census returns人口普查报告

election returns(= the number of votes for each candidate in an election)选举结果报告


7.[c]退票a ticket for the theatre or a sports game that was bought by sb but is given back to be sold again

计算机on computer

8.[u]返回键;回车键;结束键the button that you press on a computer when you reach the end of an instruction, or to begin a new pne

To exit this option, press return.要退出这个选项,就按返回键。

网球in tennis

9.[c]击回球the action of hitting the ball, etc. back to your opponent

a powerful return of serve势大力沉的接发球


Please reply by return of post.请即赐复。

by return (of post)由下一班邮递;尽快using the next available post; as soon as possible

Please reply by return of post.请即赐复。

Can I buy you lunch in return for your help?感谢你帮忙,我请你吃午饭好吗?

I asked her opinion, but she just asked me a question in return.我征求她的意见,她却只是反问了我一句。

in return (for sth)作为(对…的)回报as a way of thanking sb or paying them for sth they have done

Can I buy you lunch in return for your help?感谢你帮忙,我请你吃午饭好吗?

作为回应as a response or reaction to sth

I asked her opinion, but she just asked me a question in return.我征求她的意见,她却只是反问了我一句。

v.1.回转,回来,回去,返回,折回 ( to)2.再来,又来;复发,回复,恢复3.送还,归还(原主)4.回答,回嘴,回骂5.回头说正经话,回到本题,言归正传6.归还,送还,送[放]回(原处),(光,声等)反射,反响7.报复;回礼,报答,酬答8.汇报,报告,呈报9.【法】(陪审员)答复10.回答说;反驳道;答辩;回骂11.选举(为议员等)12.【牌】(响应搭档者)跟出(同花色的牌);【网】将(球)打回13.【建】(使墙壁,嵌线等)向侧面转延1.回转,回来,回去,返回,折回 ( to)2.再来,又来;复发,回复,恢复3.送还,归还(原主)4.回答,回嘴,回骂5.回头说正经话,回到本题,言归正传6.归还,送还,送[放]回(原处),(光,声等)反射,反响7.报复;回礼,报答,酬答8.汇报,报告,呈报9.【法】(陪审员)答复10.回答说;反驳道;答辩;回骂11.选举(为议员等)12.【牌】(响应搭档者)跟出(同花色的牌);【网】将(球)打回13.【建】(使墙壁,嵌线等)向侧面转延

n.1.归来,回去;回家,还乡,归国;复归,回归;再发,复发;来回,回程;【电】回路2.退还,归还,付还,送还3.赢利,利润,赚头;报酬4.报告(书),汇报,申报;统计表;【物】输出量5.还报,报复;还礼,报答;回答,答复;回骂,反唇相讥6.〈口〉同“return ticket”7.【法】送回8.(议员的)选出,当选9.【建】(嵌线等的)转延,侧面10.〈英〉(用废料制成的)再生板烟1.归来,回去;回家,还乡,归国;复归,回归;再发,复发;来回,回程;【电】回路2.退还,归还,付还,送还3.赢利,利润,赚头;报酬4.报告(书),汇报,申报;统计表;【物】输出量5.还报,报复;还礼,报答;回答,答复;回骂,反唇相讥6.〈口〉同“return ticket”7.【法】送回8.(议员的)选出,当选9.【建】(嵌线等的)转延,侧面10.〈英〉(用废料制成的)再生板烟

v.1.to go back to a place where you were earper, or to come back from a place where you have just been; if a feepng or situation returns, it starts to happen again2.to put, send, or take something back to the place where it came from3.to do or say something to someone that is similar to something that they have done or said to you4.to produce a particular amount of profit on money that has been invested5.to hit a ball back to your opponent in a game such as tennis6.to elect someone to a position, especially in a legislature1.to go back to a place where you were earper, or to come back from a place where you have just been; if a feepng or situation returns, it starts to happen again2.to put, send, or take something back to the place where it came from3.to do or say something to someone that is similar to something that they have done or said to you4.to produce a particular amount of profit on money that has been invested5.to hit a ball back to your opponent in a game such as tennis6.to elect someone to a position, especially in a legislature

n.1.<spoken>Same as return ticket2.a situation in which you go back to a place or come back from a place3.a situation in which you go back to a previous activity or condition; the start of a feepng or situation again4.the action of putting, sending, or taking something back to the place where it came from5.a profit on money that you have invested6.a round-trip; a ticket for an event that you give back because you no longer want it, so that it can be sold to someone else7.the results of an election8.an official form that you must fill out, especially one involving taxes9.a return key10.the action of hitting a ball back to an opponent in a game such as tennis1.<spoken>Same as return ticket2.a situation in which you go back to a place or come back from a place3.a situation in which you go back to a previous activity or condition; the start of a feepng or situation again4.the action of putting, sending, or taking something back to the place where it came from5.a profit on money that you have invested6.a round-trip; a ticket for an event that you give back because you no longer want it, so that it can be sold to someone else7.the results of an election8.an official form that you must fill out, especially one involving taxes9.a return key10.the action of hitting a ball back to an opponent in a game such as tennis

adj.1.round-trip; relating to the part of a trip that involves going back to a place or coming back from a place2.a return match, game, etc. is the second one that is played between two opponents or teams

1.返回 (6) 掉转[ turn round] (8) 还,返回[ return] (11) 改变[ change] ...

2.归还 (15) 施加;施行[ carry out] (17) 归还;交还[ return] (21) 通“至”。到达[ arrive;reach] ...

3.回来 1478 come along phr. 来,随同 1479 return v 回来,归还 1480 cookie n 小 …

4.回报 msgbox eval 输入3+2,会出来5 return 返回值 Example #1eval 例子 - 简单的文本合并 ...

7.回复 Intro( 序曲) Return回复) Nothing( 一无所有) ...


1.Next, I do not want to be despised, abandoned, so I prepared to return home to the next, looking for a place, their own A break.接下来,我也不想被鄙视,被遗弃,所以我准备回乡下老家去,找个地方,自己了断。

2.The MC shall be able to transport at least 2 collectors, and should not need to return to base during a collector exchange.MC应该能够运输至少2个收集器,而且在收集器更换过程中不需要返还到基地。

3.Each function is called in turn with an Item from the array and should return the content with which to populate the corresponding cell.按照顺序使用来自数组的Item逐个调用每个函数,并用返回的内容填充对应的单元格。

4.Rafael Benitez is being pned up for a Liverpool return by come of the club's supporters judging by the Christmas decorations at his home.贝尼特斯最近被传即将回到利物浦,而球迷从他的住家的圣诞布置猜出一些端倪。

5.He said he was dead sure that they would not return.他说他完全相信他们不会回来。

6.Dutch courage because Iam now about to return to the train station and spend a few hours committing a deadly sin: queue jumping.荷兰的勇气,因为荫现在返回到火车站,花了几个小时犯下致命的罪孽:插队。

7.Japanese firms' return on equity has long been less than half that of American and European companies.日本公司的股本回报率早就连美国和欧洲公司的一半都还达不到了。

8.How much is a return ticket to Paris?一张到巴黎的往返车票多少钱?

9.Every time you get interrupted for a few minutes or longer, you can expect it to take at least 15 minutes to return to the flow state.你一旦受干扰几分钟或是更长些,那你至少15分钟内都很难调整好状态。

10.No matter to return place will be where, I think all this in the heart with a pure beauty.不管归处将是哪里,我想都该在心底留有一份纯真的美好。