


美式发音: [rev] 英式发音: [rev]





复数:revs  现在分词:revving  过去式:revved  同义词

v.race,roar,scream,increase power,accelerate

n.revolution,cycle,rotation,turn,revolution per minute



1.[t][i]~ (sth) (up)(使)快速运转when yourev an engine or itrevs , it runs quickly

The taxi driver revved up his engine.出租车司机把发动机发动起来。

I could hear the car revving outside.我可以听到外面汽车发动的声音。


1.(informal)(发动机的转速)一次旋转a complete turn of an engine, used when talking about an engine's speed

4 000 revs per minute每分钟 4 000 转

The needle on the rev counter soared.转数指针快速上升。




abbr.1.Same as revolution2.Same as revenue3.Same as revision4.Same as reverse(d)5.Same as review(ed)1.Same as revolution2.Same as revenue3.Same as revision4.Same as reverse(d)5.Same as review(ed)

n.1.revolution: a complete circular movement in an engine, used as a unit for measuring the speed of an engine

v.1.if you rev an engine, or if it revs, you press the gas pedal with your foot when the vehicle is not moving in order to make the engine operate faster

1.反转(reverse) van( 前卫,先锋,先驱,前驱); rev旋转,变速); voluntary( 志愿 …

3.启 犹( Jud) ( Rev) 创( Gen) ...

4.网状内皮增生病病毒(Reticuloendotheposis Virus) 规格 specifications 转速 rev 功率 power ...

8.启示录(Revelation) 犹大书 Jude 启示录 Rev 创( Gen) ...


1.The Hutt was impressed with Ak-rev's tenacity, and hired him on as one of his many bodyguards.贾巴对阿克—雷夫的顽强很满意,遂雇佣他为贴身保镖。

2.Rev. 19: 5 And a voice came out from the throne, saying, Praise our God, all His slaves and those who fear Him, the small and the great.启十九5有声音从宝座出来,说,神的众奴仆,凡敬畏他的,无论大小,都要赞美我们的神。

3.Rev. 21. 2 And I saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.我又看见圣城新耶路撒冷由神那里从天而降,预备好了,就如新妇装饰整齐,等候丈夫。

4.Rev. 19: 12 And His eyes are a flame of fire, and on His head are many diadems, and He has a name written which no one knows but Himself.启十九12他的眼睛如火焰,头上戴著许多冠冕,又有写著的名字,除了他自己没有人晓得。

5.The idea is to rev up the body's "good" fat to help it burn off the "bad" fat.方法就是增加人体的“好”脂肪含量,以帮助它燃烧去掉“坏”脂肪。

6.It is far from clear that any huge temporary fiscal stimulus will rev up the engine enough to achieve self-sustaining growth.采取大规模临时性财政刺激,能否对经济产生足够的提振、使之实现自我维持的增长,这一点还远没有定论。

7.In Juneau, Alaska, the Rev. George Sipdes and his wife will bring turkey to a church potluck, but not much more.在阿拉斯加的朱诺,乔治施耐德牧师和他的妻子将带着火鸡去教堂聚餐,但没有其他的了。

8.But I told him about Rev. Heng Sure being a good teacher, and so I know later that at one point he gave Rev. Heng Sure a call.这时候我觉得很惊讶,但是我告诉他实法师是一个善知识。事后我知道他曾给实法师打了一通电话。

9.Rev. 19: 1 After these things I heard as it were a loud voice of a great multitude in heaven, saying, Hallelujah!启十九1这些事以后,我听见天上彷佛有大批的群众,大声说,阿利路亚!

10.Many of them don't survive, but Rev. Jong-rak Lee of Jesus-Loving Union Church has set up a way for saving some of these unwanted babies.很多弃婴没有活下来,现在“主爱共同体教会”牧师李钟落为救助弃婴想出了新办法。