



美式发音: [ˈevɪdəns] 英式发音: [ˈevɪd(ə)ns]




过去分词:evidenced  现在分词:evidencing  第三人称单数:evidences  搭配同义词

v.+n.provide evidence,give evidence,produce evidence,present evidence,collect evidence

adj.+n.scientific evidence,direct evidence,clear evidence,ample evidence,strong evidence






n.1.facts or physical signs that help to prove something2.facts, statements, or objects that help to prove whether or not someone has committed a crime; things that witnesses say in a court of law when they answer questions

1.证据 执行成果 Achievements 佐证资料 Evidences 评量指标 Grade Norm ...

3.诉讼前后调查取证 ... 法院生效判决资产的收取 Judgment Recovery. 诉讼前后调查取证 Evidences. 诉讼文书送达 Service of Process. ...

4.事证 smithy 科学家模拟 evidences 东方升起 starry night pro 探测工程首席科学家 ...

7.证明” 证明(Evidences) 拿出证据证明你说的话 第三招:灵活运用FABE销售法 案例:全棉、密裆裤等婴童装的FABE销售法 类别 类型 …

8.数据而且 有兴趣的人还可从中了解到美国人的思考原则 如何收集数据(evidences) 体会stakeholders 的角力竞争及辩论(debates) etc.


1.True vision which evidences itself through creative measures is seldom honoured- for prestige seems to be lacking in such.『以创造性方式来证实自己』的真正远见很少被崇敬-因为声望似乎是缺乏的。

2.Though she didn't bepeve what other people said, the evidences that she collected led to the conclusion: that her boy friend cheated her.虽然她不相信别人说的话,可她所收集的证据得出这样的结论:她的男朋友骗了她。

3.This supposition is fascinating but, if such a thing happens, where are the evidences of these visits?这种猜想着实吸引人,但是如果这样的事情真的发生过,那外星人造访地球的证据又在哪呢?

4.I bepeve the number of population of any ethnic group should not be a factor that obscures the origin. I explain some evidences.任何种族都不能利用人口数量来模糊本源,我将陈述一些证据。

5.The diagnosis should made with pathological evidences Up-to-date, the only effective treatment is bronchoalveolar lavage.确诊根据病理检查结果。支气管肺泡灌洗仍是迄今唯一有效的治疗方法。

6.Kansei knowledge is represented as "if-then" rules, and evidences are composed of form features of products.利用产生式规则来表达用户感性评价知识;以产品的部件外形来构成推理的证据部分;

7.The results can provide some evidences when methyl-testosterone imprinted polymers were used for the extraction of real samples.研究结果可以为甲基睾酮分子印迹固相萃取柱在提取实际样品时提供理论依据。

8.Documenting the evidences, the present study concludes the tiger in the Zhou's set of photographs to be a three-dimensional, animate object.综合各项证据,目前的研究结论是,在周的系列照片中的老虎是三维活体对象。

9.As its report to the fact of a case is direct and vivid, its effect has no way to replace by other evidences in some cases.由于其对案件事实的反映最为直接与生动,在一些案件当中可以起到其他证据无法替代的作用。

10.Abundant evidences can be found in Keats' poetry reflecting the symptoms of pulmonary TB that contributed much to the cre. . .他的肺结核症状在他的诗歌中得到了充分的反映从而形成了济慈式的感觉主义。