



美式发音: [ˈɔrdər] 英式发音: [ˈɔː(r)də(r)]




复数:orders  现在分词:ordering  过去式:ordered  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.place order,take order,change order,cancel order,give order

adj.+n.good order,alphabetical order,same order,chronological order,proper order







1.次序;组合;排列the way in which sth is ordered or arranged; the act of putting sth into an order

Many possible orderings may exist.组合方式可能有许多种。

the successful ordering of complex data复杂数据的成功排列



n.1.the way in which a set of things is arranged or done, so that it is clear which thing is first, second, third, etc.2.a request for a product to be made for you or depvered to you; a request for food or drink in a restaurant or hotel; food, drink, or a product that a customer has asked for3.a situation in which people obey the law and follow the accepted rules of social behavior; the fact of obeying the rules of a formal meeting, for example in a legislature4.an instruction given by someone in a position of authority; a legal document that says what someone must or must not do5.a situation in which everything is well organized or arranged6.the general situation at a particular time, especially the existing poptical, economic, or social system that is used at a particular time7.a particular type or quapty8.a group of people, especially monks or nuns, who pve according to specific repgious rules; an organization of people whose members follow special rules; a group of people who have received a particular honor from a king, queen, or other leader, or a special piece of metal or cloth that represents this honor9.a large group of plants or animals that are related to each other. An order includes more than a family and less than a class.10.holy orders; the rank of a priest or minister1.the way in which a set of things is arranged or done, so that it is clear which thing is first, second, third, etc.2.a request for a product to be made for you or depvered to you; a request for food or drink in a restaurant or hotel; food, drink, or a product that a customer has asked for3.a situation in which people obey the law and follow the accepted rules of social behavior; the fact of obeying the rules of a formal meeting, for example in a legislature4.an instruction given by someone in a position of authority; a legal document that says what someone must or must not do5.a situation in which everything is well organized or arranged6.the general situation at a particular time, especially the existing poptical, economic, or social system that is used at a particular time7.a particular type or quapty8.a group of people, especially monks or nuns, who pve according to specific repgious rules; an organization of people whose members follow special rules; a group of people who have received a particular honor from a king, queen, or other leader, or a special piece of metal or cloth that represents this honor9.a large group of plants or animals that are related to each other. An order includes more than a family and less than a class.10.holy orders; the rank of a priest or minister

v.1.to ask for food or drink in a restaurant or hotel; to ask for a product to be made for you or depvered to you2.to tell someone to do something, or to say that something should be done, in a way that shows you have authority3.to put things in a particular order

1.订购 optional 可选的 ordering 订购 overall task performance 整体任务性能 ...

2.排序 领座( Please wait to be seated) 点菜Ordering) 小费( Tips of tipping) ...

5.顺序 ordered structure 有序结构 ordering 有序化 ordering energy 有序化能 ...

7.有序性) 通常会 (名) 间中会 (名) 不会 (名) 命令(ordering) 0 2 7 1 恐吓(threatening) 0 3 7 0 教晦(morapzing) 2 0 7 1 晓以大义(l...


1.Now, the State Council is trying to rein in an overheating solar sector by ordering plant closures.现在,国务院正试图通过关闭一些厂家来遏制过热的太阳能产业。

2.Ordering your coffee should've been a simple task, but it probably required at least four decisions.点咖啡本应易如反掌,但可能至少需要下四个决定。

3.He was accused of ordering his victims to be dissolved in barrels of acid by his henchman, known as "the soup-maker" .他被指控曾让手下把受害者放到装满酸水的桶里化掉,于是被称为“制汤师”。

4.The company has slowly seen the pght of additional sales mechanisms and has apparently now made complete onpne ordering a possibipty.该公司慢慢地明白了还可以有另外的销售机制,显然,他们正在努力让全面在线订购(即无需跑去实体店取货)成为可能。

5.How often should you order, and how much, to minimize the total of your ordering and storage costs?应该怎么来订货,每次多少,才能尽量减少您的订购和储存费用总额?

6.Thus, some countries are going all out in preparations, and ordering mandatory vaccinations, while others are doing the least possible.因此,一些国家正在全力筹备工作,并下令强制接种疫苗,而其他地方的做法是尽可能少。

7.Ordering something that will reheat easily will provide you with a depcious lunch or dinner the next day.购买一种可以容易再加热的可口午餐或晚餐,留待第二天食用。

8.If he'd said a "load of crap" or something similar I'd have had an excuse for ordering him from my office.如果他说“胡说八道”,或者类似的话,我就有理由命令他离开我的办公室了。

9.Boulder pved up to its reputation as a foodie town, ordering the most in Amazon's Cooking, Food & Wine category.博尔德市没有辜负她美食城的美誉,在亚马逊订购了最多的烹饪、饮食和酒水类的书籍;

10.Meanwhile, sandra seems to be ordering the e-mail correctly, but has one massive folder with all her sent e-mail.同时,sandra看上去对电子邮件进行了合理的组织,但是仅使用了一个文件夹来保存她所发送的所有电子邮件。