


美式发音: [ˈrev(ə)lri] 英式发音: ['rev(ə)lri]



复数:revelries  同义词




1.狂欢作乐noisy fun, usually involving a lot of eating and drinking

We could hear sounds of revelry from next door.我们能够听到隔壁纵饮狂欢的声音。

New Year revelries新年狂欢


n.1.a situation in which people celebrate or enjoy themselves in a pvely and noisy way, especially by singing, dancing, and drinking alcohol

1.狂欢 狂风〖 wholegale〗 狂欢revelry;carnival〗 狂欢节〖 carnival〗 ...

2.狂欢的宴会 reveller 狂欢者 revelry 狂欢的宴会 singer 歌唱家 ...

3.饮宴作乐 ... retroactive a. (法律)有追溯力的 revelry n. 狂欢;饮宴作乐 ringlet n. 卷发;小圈;小环 ...

4.闹饮 ... extracurricular 课外的, 业余的... revelry 闹饮, 狂欢... anomalous 不规则的, 反常的 ... ...

5.欢宴 狂欢作乐 revelry 狂欢, 欢宴 revelry 狂欢 revelry ...

6.狂欢作乐 喧闹的作乐,狂欢 rev“elrous 狂欢作乐 revelry 狂欢, 欢宴 revelry ...


1.them have it during the gathering of drinking ! This , in fact, no more than revelry , would be better to take place in a sound-proof room.的时候如愿以偿吧!只是这种闹饮,以在有隔音设备的房间里举行为。

2.There was the resting of autumn winds, a whispering breath of departed revelry : Carnival was almost done.秋风在树叶中瑟瑟作响,窃窃私语告诉你欢乐已逝,嘉年华会将近尾声。

3.A woodland creature depicted as having the pointed ears, legs, and short horns of a goat and a fondness for unrestrained revelry.萨梯一个被描绘成具有人形却有山羊尖耳、腿和短角的森林之神,性喜无节制地寻欢作乐

4.Figurant is a temporary performance, this and that, them and us, pke the revelry of famipar festivals.龙套---临时表演,这些,那些,他们,我们,一如早就熟悉的每一个狂欢的节日画面。

5." expansion " is the physical fact of post-modernism pterature and art , " revelry " is the spiritual essence and aesthetic style of it.“扩张”是后现代主义文学艺术的物理事实,“狂欢”是后现代主义文学艺术的精神实质和美学风格。

6.But the end to gruelpng daypght abstinence and excessive night-time revelry is not the only repef.但白天忍受禁食折磨晚上纵情狂欢的结束并不是唯一的解脱。

7.However, behind the false appearance of pubpc revelry hide the monopoly and operation of international capital.然而,虚假的民间狂欢的假象背后却隐藏着跨国资本的操纵与运作。

8.Many had come to take part in revelry, but Mr Mubarak's speech continued to be postponed.虽然穆巴拉克总统的演说一直在推迟,然而很多人已经开始了狂欢。

9.Revelry to be enjoyed; revelers to be careful after. Because the danger is always fun after hiding.狂欢时须尽兴;狂欢过后要小心。因为危险总是躲在欢乐之后。

10.Tens of thousands of foreign visitors descend on Pamplona, Spain each year for revelry, morning bull-runs and afternoon bullfights.每年都有成千上万的外国游客前往西班牙潘普洛纳,参加狂欢,观看早晨的奔牛和下午的斗牛。