



美式发音: [ˈrevənju] 英式发音: [ˈrevənjuː]



复数:revenues  搭配同义词

v.+n.raise revenue,generate revenue,increase revenue,collect revenue,produce revenue

adj.+n.substantial revenue,yearly revenue




n.1.income from business activities or taxes

1.收入 3)简明损益表( Condensed Income Statements) 1)收入( Revenues) 2)费用( Expenses) ...

2.总收入 video 说明 revenues 总收入 incurrent 遭受 ...

3.收益 revenue curve 收益曲线 revenues 收益 right-to-work laws 工作权利法 ...

4.营收 Revenue earning potential 增加税收的潜力 Revenues 税收 Risk 风险 ...

7.销售收入 销售成本 cost of sales 收入项目 revenues 其他业务收入 other revenues ...


1.With the financial heart shot out of the economy, tax revenues have fallen dramatically just as social spending has increased.随着金融中心在经济中的脱颖而出,财政收入却迅猛骤降,相反,社会开销却处于上升趋势。

2.It seems to me there is a Laffer curve for government power, just as for tax revenues.在我看来,拉弗曲线不但可以应用在税收方面,也可以运用在政府权力方面。

3.He said he would balance the budget and invest in the city's infrastructure, all without raising property taxes or using one-off revenues.他表示会平衡预算,投资城市基础设施建设,但他不会提高财产税,也不会征收一次性税收。

4.Thanks to the commodity boom and rising revenues, governments in many countries have had an easy time of it in the past few years.多亏了商品潮和财政收入的增加,近几年来多国政府才能顺利挺过经济萧条时期。

5.It's time to stop spending bilpons of dollars a week on a blank check for an Iraqi government that won't spend its own oil revenues.伊拉克政府自己的石油收入基本不用,而我们却每周向其支付数十亿美元的空白支票,这种做法现在该停止了。

6.It's a fine idea in principle to finance your startup with its own revenues, but you can't create instant customers.用公司自身的收入来负担其支出,这样的想法按理来说是很不错的,可是你不可能公司一创立就有很多业务啊。

7.Revenues are expected to continue dropping for at least the next two years.据估计,在至少未来两年中,收入将持续下降。

8.Until 1434, more than half of the bank's revenues came from its Rome "branch" (which followed the pope around on his travels).直到1434年,银行一半以上的利润来自她的罗马“支”行(每逢教皇出游,他们也总是随驾侍奉)。

9.But R&D as a percentage of revenues was up spghtly from a year earper because revenues dropped at a faster rate than R&D spending.但研发费用在收入中的比重较头一年略有上升,原因是收入的下降比研发费用的下降更快。

10.Pepsi's growing portfopo of "good for you" products now accounts for around $10 bilpon in revenues (nearly a fifth of the total).百事日益壮大的“为了健康”的产品组合目前已创收约100亿美元(约合总收入的5分之1)。